Have you tried Generative AI Chatbot for your business?
Looking for an AI chatbot that can help lighten your workload, from customer support to recommend products in presonalized way? Our ground breaking Generative AI Chatbot Platform - Frontman is the only one-stop solution for your business
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Conversational Marketing: The Next Big Thing in the Business World
Within a decade, chatbot platforms have significantly evolved. From simple interface to contextual AI-based bots, they have grown smarter. Now, bots can interpret, understand, and reply to human queries based...
Conversational Marketing: The Next Big Thing in the Business World
Within a decade, chatbot platforms have significantly evolved. From simple interface to contextual AI-based bots, they have grown smarter. Now, bots can interpret, understand, and reply to human queries based...

Conversion Rate: Is Your Website Getting Enough of it?
Online business is solely laid on the foundation of the visitor's interaction and conversion. At first, it is challenging to attract the visitors on a website, then begin the game of...
Conversion Rate: Is Your Website Getting Enough of it?
Online business is solely laid on the foundation of the visitor's interaction and conversion. At first, it is challenging to attract the visitors on a website, then begin the game of...

5 Factors to Help You Determine Customer Satisfaction via Frontman
One bad experience is enough for your customers to jump off the ship. But many times businesses fail to intercept what went wrong. As a result, it becomes challenging to...
5 Factors to Help You Determine Customer Satisfaction via Frontman
One bad experience is enough for your customers to jump off the ship. But many times businesses fail to intercept what went wrong. As a result, it becomes challenging to...

Top 8 Innovative Implementation Of Chatbots in India
A decade ago, while standing in long queues to pay electricity, mobile, or water bill, no one would have ever thought that they would ever be able to pay their...
Top 8 Innovative Implementation Of Chatbots in India
A decade ago, while standing in long queues to pay electricity, mobile, or water bill, no one would have ever thought that they would ever be able to pay their...

Legal AI Chatbot Benefits for Lawyers and Law Firms
At present, AI chatbots have become the face of revolution for every industry and institution. Lawyers and law firms are also advancing themselves by using these AI technologies. From a...
Legal AI Chatbot Benefits for Lawyers and Law Firms
At present, AI chatbots have become the face of revolution for every industry and institution. Lawyers and law firms are also advancing themselves by using these AI technologies. From a...

24+ Valuable Chatbot Statistics That You Should Know in 2020
In the last few years, there has been a subsequent increase in the Use of Chatbots. Here we have analyzed a few important stats about Chatbots that you should know in 2020. General...
24+ Valuable Chatbot Statistics That You Should Know in 2020
In the last few years, there has been a subsequent increase in the Use of Chatbots. Here we have analyzed a few important stats about Chatbots that you should know in 2020. General...