Integrate Shiprocket

Plug Shiprocket and let customers track shipment in Chatbot directly

Order Received

Your order has been received by your courier partner

Order Picked

Your order has been picked up by your courier partner

Order In Transit

Your order is on it’s way to your customer’s address

Out For Delivery

The courier executive is on its way to deliver the order at your customer’s doorstep

Reached Destination

Your order has reached your customer’s city

Collect Feedback

After successful delivery, ask for customer feedback in the same conversation thread

Optimize your order tracking experience

Give power to customers to get informed about their shipments, regardless of the courier partner

Track orders shipped with 17+ courier partners in one place
Deliver real-time updates as and when your customer wants to know
Connect Shiprocket

Discover more.

AI-powered conversational interfaces [AIPCI] by Makerobos is designed to create intuitive, context-aware chatbots. Ideal for enterprises aiming to integrate advanced digital solutions into their customer interaction strategies.

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