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200 ChatGPT OpenAI Prompts Engineered for Writing

200 ChatGPT OpenAI Prompts Engineered for Writing


AI tools like ChatGPT have become invaluable for writers, editors, and content creators, offering a plethora of use cases across various types of writing. From generating ideas to proofreading, AI can streamline the creative and technical aspects of writing. Below is a detailed guide to 200 ChatGPT prompts categorized by their use case, along with their benefits and unique selling points (USPs).

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Prompt engineering refers to the process of designing, fine-tuning, and optimizing the prompts that AI systems use to generate responses. These prompts guide the chatbot’s behavior, ensuring that it understands user intent, responds accurately, and maintains a conversational flow. Whether a chatbot is answering a customer query, providing a product recommendation, or automating a task, prompt engineering ensures the interaction is coherent and contextually relevant.

Script Writing Prompts

Use Case Prompt Examples Benefits USP
Analyze Format & Structure Analyze the script structure of a thriller. Helps in understanding professional formatting, ensuring alignment with industry standards. Ensures script adheres to industry standards, saving time on revisions.
Write Monologues Write a powerful monologue for a dramatic scene. Assists in generating emotionally impactful content for characters. Generates creative, emotionally-driven monologues instantly.
Build Characters Create a backstory for a complex character. Allows for deeper character development, enhancing storytelling quality. Offers multi-dimensional character profiles based on minimal input.
Generate Script Ideas Provide script ideas for a science-fiction film. Speeds up the brainstorming process for new projects. Instantly generates unique ideas tailored to the genre or theme.
Check for Sensitive Content Check my script for any culturally sensitive content. Ensures content is appropriate, avoiding potential backlash. Prevents costly rewrites and enhances cultural sensitivity.

Essay Writing Prompts

Use Case Prompt Examples Benefits USP
Brainstorm Essay Topics Suggest essay topics on climate change. Quickly generates a list of focused, relevant topics. Provides diverse topics for different academic levels and interests.
Draft Introduction Draft an introduction for an essay on AI ethics. Provides a strong foundation to kickstart the essay writing process. Ensures attention-grabbing and well-structured openings.
Improve Vocabulary Suggest alternative words for “important” in an academic essay. Enhances the language sophistication of your writing. Offers vocabulary suggestions suited to the writing style.
Develop Thesis Statement Create a thesis statement for an essay on renewable energy. Clarifies the central argument, improving essay structure and coherence. Generates compelling thesis statements that align with the essay focus.

Rewriting Content Prompts

Use Case Prompt Examples Benefits USP
Simplify Complex Information Simplify the following legal text for a general audience. Makes difficult content accessible to a broader readership. Improves readability without losing the original meaning.
Tailor Content for Specific Audience Rewrite this paragraph for a teenage audience. Adapts tone and style to fit different audience demographics. Ensures relevance and engagement across diverse target groups.
Optimize Text for SEO Rewrite the content for better search engine optimization. Increases online visibility by incorporating relevant keywords and phrases. Automatically optimizes content to improve search rankings.

Writing a Book Prompts

Use Case Prompt Examples Benefits USP
Generate a Book Outline Provide an outline for a fantasy novel. Helps structure the overall plot and chapters, simplifying the book-writing process. Detailed outlines that align with genre-specific conventions.
Create Characters Develop a character for a mystery novel. Provides unique, multi-layered characters, enhancing reader engagement. Generates consistent character profiles with personality traits.
Handle Marketing & Outreach Suggest promotional ideas for a debut novel. Offers strategies for marketing and outreach, ensuring a strong book launch. Delivers actionable marketing plans tailored to book genre and audience.

Grant Writing Prompts

Use Case Prompt Examples Benefits USP
Find Relevant Grants Suggest relevant grants for a community education project. Streamlines the search for applicable grants, saving time and effort. Provides up-to-date and relevant grant suggestions.
Develop Project Budget Help draft a project budget for a $50,000 grant proposal. Provides clear and concise budget planning to align with grant requirements. Ensures the budget aligns with funding goals and limitations.
Write Specific Sections of Proposal Write the project goals section for a technology grant. Tailors specific sections to meet the funder's criteria, increasing chances of success. Customizable content that meets funders' expectations.

Academic Writing Prompts

Use Case Prompt Examples Benefits USP
Assist with Literature Review Summarize key studies on climate change impact. Accelerates the research process by consolidating relevant sources. Provides concise and accurate summaries, saving research time.
Correct Grammar and Syntax Correct the grammar in this paragraph about quantum mechanics. Enhances the quality of academic writing, improving clarity and professionalism. Quickly fixes grammar while preserving the academic tone.
Generate Citations Create citations for the following journal articles in APA format. Saves time by automating citation formatting across different styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). Reduces errors in citations, ensuring compliance with academic standards.

Creative Writing Prompts

Use Case Prompt Examples Benefits USP
Explore Themes Suggest themes for a short horror story. Encourages exploration of different narrative themes and perspectives. Generates thought-provoking themes that inspire creativity.
Write Dialogues Create a conversation between two characters in a fantasy world. Helps generate dynamic, contextually relevant dialogue for characters. Produces authentic dialogues that match characters’ personalities.
Overcome Writer’s Block Provide writing prompts to overcome writer's block. Helps reignite creativity and focus by offering new ideas and directions. Customizes prompts based on genre, style, or current writing challenges.

Technical Writing Prompts

Use Case Prompt Examples Benefits USP
Research & Fact-Check Fact-check this paragraph on cloud computing security. Improves the accuracy and credibility of technical documents. Ensures the content is factual and up-to-date.
Generate Key Points List key points for a guide on Python programming. Provides a clear and concise breakdown of complex topics. Simplifies complicated concepts into digestible key points.
Draft FAQ Section Write an FAQ section for a cybersecurity software. Reduces support requests by answering common user queries. Delivers user-centric FAQs, improving customer satisfaction.

Speech Writing Prompts

Use Case Prompt Examples Benefits USP
Create Speech Outline Create an outline for a keynote speech on leadership. Helps structure the speech, ensuring a logical flow of ideas. Develops clear, focused outlines that engage audiences from start to finish.
Edit and Revise Revise this speech for a more formal tone. Polishes speeches, improving tone, style, and impact. Enhances professionalism and clarity in delivery.
Practice Delivery Suggest tips for practicing the delivery of this speech. Offers practical advice on rehearsing speeches, enhancing confidence and performance. Provides personalized feedback for improving speech delivery skills.

OpenAI ChatGPT prompts for writing

1. Analyze Format & Structure (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Act as an experienced scriptwriter. Analyze the current script to structure its scenes for optimal pacing and narrative flow. Your goal is to ensure that the story progresses in a manner that keeps the audience engaged, maintains suspense, and pays off in a satisfying climax. Identify any scenes that may slow down the narrative unnecessarily or disrupt the story's rhythm. Make recommendations for reordering, editing, or rewriting scenes to achieve a more compelling and fluid storyline. Ensure that the transitions between scenes are smooth and that each scene serves a purpose in moving the story forward. Provide feedback and rationale for your suggested changes, drawing upon your extensive knowledge of storytelling techniques and industry best practices.”

2. Write Monologues (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Act as an experienced scriptwriter. Craft a compelling monologue suitable for [character] experiencing [situation] or conveying [emotion]. The monologue should delve deep into the character's psyche, offering insight into their innermost thoughts and feelings. The monologue should resonate with audiences, eliciting empathy or understanding of the character's perspective. Ensure the language used is appropriate for the character's background, age, and the setting of the story. The monologue should also fit seamlessly into the broader narrative, driving the plot forward or providing essential character development.”

3. Write Dialogues (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Act as an experienced scriptwriter. Craft engaging dialogue for [character descriptions]. The dialogue should reflect the personalities, motivations, and relationships of the characters, while also advancing the plot. Ensure that the dialogue sounds natural and believable to the audience, with a balance of tension, humor, or emotion as required by the narrative. Remember to maintain a voice and tone consistent with the overall theme and setting of the story.”

4. Provide Feedback and Revisions (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Act as an experienced scriptwriter. Thoroughly review the provided [script] and offer constructive feedback. Analyze the script's structure, dialogue, character development, pacing, and overall narrative coherence. Identify any plot holes, inconsistencies, or areas that lack clarity or depth. Provide specific recommendations for improvements, alternative plot points or dialogue suggestions, and any other insights that will enhance the script's quality and appeal. Your feedback should be comprehensive, objective, and aimed at elevating the script to industry standards.”

5. Build Characters (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Act as an experienced scriptwriter specializing in character development. Brainstorm and provide a list of character names, detailed backstories, underlying motives, and compelling character arcs for the script titled [script name]. The characters should be multi-dimensional, relatable, and drive the plot forward. Consider the genre, setting, and main themes of the script while developing these characters. It's essential that each character's journey and evolution remain coherent throughout the script, contributing to the overall narrative and emotional impact.”

6. Generate Script Ideas (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Act as an experienced scriptwriter. You are tasked with brainstorming innovative and engaging ideas for a new script. The story should be original, compelling, and resonate with a wide audience. Consider different genres, settings, characters, and plot twists. Ensure that each idea has a brief synopsis, highlighting its central theme and potential character arcs.”

7. Develop Plotlines (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Act as an experienced scriptwriter. Develop potential plotlines, character arcs, or unique concepts based on the given [theme] and [genre]. Ensure that your suggestions are original, compelling, and resonate with the intended audience. Dive deep into the intricacies, exploring both traditional and innovative angles. Your concepts should be detailed enough to provide a clear direction but flexible enough to allow for further development and adaptation. Incorporate elements that make for gripping storytelling, including conflict, resolution, and character growth. Aim to create narratives that have the potential for both commercial success and critical acclaim. The theme of the script is: [describe theme]. The genre of the script is: [describe genre].”

8. Generate a Pitch (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Act as an experienced scriptwriter, salesman, and marketer. Your task is to distill the essence of the provided [script] into a compelling and concise pitch or logline tailored for producers or potential clients. This pitch should encapsulate the main conflict, the unique selling points, and the emotional core of the story in a sentence or two. It's crucial that your logline captures the heart of the story while also being enticing enough to spark interest in a competitive market. Utilize your understanding of storytelling, market trends, and audience preferences to craft a pitch that maximizes the script's appeal and potential for success.”

9. Assist in Research (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Act as an experienced scriptwriter with expertise in inclusivity and sensitivity. Review the provided [script] for any content that may perpetuate stereotypes, be potentially offensive, or problematic to certain audiences. Provide comprehensive feedback and suggestions on how to address these issues while retaining the core message and intent of the script. Ensure the script portrays characters and situations in an authentic and respectful manner, avoiding clichés and ensuring a diverse and accurate representation.”

10. Check for Sensitive Content (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Act as an experienced scriptwriter with expertise in refining and polishing scripts for optimal performance and reception. Your task is to rework specified [scenes, characters, plot points, or dialogue] in the given [script]. This involves analyzing the provided content for any inconsistencies, gaps, or areas that lack depth and coherence. Revise and enhance these elements to ensure that they align with the overall narrative, drive the story forward, and resonate with the intended audience. Additionally, ensure that the modified sections flow seamlessly with the existing script, maintaining continuity and preserving the essence of the story.”

11. Brainstorm Essay Topics (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Suggest a list of potential essay topics on [subject]. The topics should range from beginner to advanced, covering various subtopics that are relevant, engaging, and researchable.”

12. Draft Introduction (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Write a captivating introduction for an essay on [topic]. The introduction should hook the reader, present the essay's main argument, and provide an overview of the points to be discussed.”

13. Improve Vocabulary (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Suggest alternative words for 'important' and 'significant' in an academic essay. Provide synonyms that are contextually appropriate and elevate the sophistication of the writing.”

14. Create Outline (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Draft a structured outline for an essay on [topic]. The outline should include key sections such as introduction, main arguments, counterarguments, and conclusion, with brief explanations of what each section will cover.”

15. Develop Thesis Statement (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Create a clear and concise thesis statement for an essay about [topic]. Ensure that it summarizes the main argument of the essay and provides a roadmap for the points to be discussed.”

16. Write Concluding Statements (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Write a strong concluding paragraph for an essay on [topic]. Summarize the key points discussed, restate the thesis in light of the evidence presented, and end with a thought-provoking closing remark.”

17. Simplify Complex Information (Rewriting Content)

Copy code
“Take the following technical text on [topic] and rewrite it in simpler terms so that a general audience can understand the key points without losing the core message.”

18. Improve Clarity and Conciseness (Rewriting Content)

Copy code
“Edit the following text to improve clarity and conciseness. Remove unnecessary jargon or redundant sentences while ensuring the main message is still clear and well-articulated.”

19. Formalize Informal Text (Rewriting Content)

Copy code
“Rewrite the following informal content in a more formal tone suitable for professional communication. Ensure that the message remains intact while adjusting for audience and context.”

20. Make Professional Text Sound Casual (Rewriting Content)

Copy code
“Rewrite the following professional or technical content in a more conversational and casual tone, making it accessible to a broader, non-expert audience while maintaining accuracy.”

21. Tailor Content for Specific Audience (Rewriting Content)

Copy code
“Adjust the tone and style of the following content to fit [specific audience]. Ensure that the revised text engages this demographic and resonates with their interests, knowledge level, and preferences.”

22. Optimize Text for SEO (Rewriting Content)

Copy code
“Rewrite the following content for SEO optimization. Include relevant keywords, improve readability, and ensure that the text meets best practices for online content ranking, without compromising the quality or message of the original content.”

23. Generate a Book Outline (Writing a Book)

Copy code
“Draft a detailed outline for a [genre] book. Break the story into chapters and sections, providing a brief synopsis for each. Include key plot points, character developments, and major turning points.”

24. Write Book Chapters (Writing a Book)

Copy code
“Write the first chapter of a [genre] book that introduces the main character, establishes the setting, and hints at the central conflict of the story. The writing should be engaging, drawing the reader into the narrative.”

25. Develop a Plotline (Writing a Book)

Copy code
“Create a detailed plotline for a [genre] book. Include major events, plot twists, character developments, and how the story progresses from beginning to end.”

26. Create Characters (Writing a Book)

Copy code
“Develop a main character for a [genre] book. Include their name, background, personality traits, motivations, and how their arc evolves throughout the story.”

27. Establish a Scene (Writing a Book)

Copy code
“Write a vivid description of the setting for a key scene in a [genre] book. Ensure the description includes sensory details and sets the tone for the events that unfold in this scene.”

28. Help with Book Research (Writing a Book)

Copy code
“Provide research assistance for the setting or historical background of a [genre] book. Include relevant details that will enhance the authenticity of the world or context in which the story takes place.”

29. Get Feedback on Writing (Writing a Book)

Copy code
“Read the following passage from a [genre] book and provide feedback on the writing style, pacing, character development, and narrative flow. Offer suggestions for improvement where necessary.”

30. Write Dialogues (Writing a Book)

Copy code
“Craft a dialogue between two characters in a [genre] book. Ensure the conversation feels natural and advances the plot, while also revealing character motivations or tensions.”

31. Handle Marketing, Promotion, and Outreach (Writing a Book)

Copy code
“Provide marketing strategies for the launch of a [genre] book. Include outreach ideas, social media promotion, potential partnerships, and how to engage with the target audience effectively.”

32. Find Relevant Grants (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Research and suggest relevant grants for a [type of project]. The grants should align with the project’s goals, industry, and geographic location, offering opportunities for funding.”

33. Find Potential Partners (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Research and suggest potential partners or collaborators for a [type of project]. These partners should align with the project’s mission and goals, and offer complementary expertise or resources.”

34. Write Specific Sections of Proposal (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Write the [specific section] of a grant proposal for [project]. Ensure the section highlights the project’s goals, methodology, expected outcomes, and alignment with the grant’s criteria.”

35. Develop Project Budget (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Develop a project budget for [project]. Include projected expenses, funding needs, and a timeline for how the budget will be allocated over the course of the project.”

36. Ensure Grant Guidelines (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Review the [grant] guidelines and ensure that the [proposal] is compliant with all requirements. Make suggestions or revisions where necessary to align the proposal with the funder’s expectations.”

37. Outline Grant Proposal (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Create an outline for a grant proposal on [project]. Include key sections such as objectives, methodology, budget, expected outcomes, and how the project aligns with the funder’s mission.”

38. Draft Emails to Potential Collaborators (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Write an email to potential collaborators or partners for [project]. Introduce the project, explain why their expertise would be valuable, and propose a meeting or call to discuss potential collaboration.”

39. Brainstorm Research Topics (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Suggest potential research topics for a paper on [subject]. The topics should be relevant, timely, and have sufficient available literature for review and study.”

40. Develop Research Questions (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Formulate clear and focused research questions for a study on [subject]. The questions should guide the research process and aim to contribute to existing knowledge in the field.”

41. Develop Research Hypothesis (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Develop a hypothesis for a research study on [subject]. Ensure that it is testable, specific, and based on existing literature in the field.”

42. Create Outline (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Draft an outline for an academic paper on [topic]. Include sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion.”

43. Write Sections of the Paper (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Write the [specific section] of an academic paper on [subject]. Ensure that the writing is clear, follows academic conventions, and is supported by relevant sources.”

44. Develop Argument (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Develop a strong argument for [topic]. The argument should be well-supported with evidence and presented logically to persuade the reader.”

45. Correct Grammar and Syntax (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Correct the grammar and syntax in the following academic text. Ensure that the writing is clear, concise, and follows proper academic style.”

46. Format References (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Format the following list of references in [APA/MLA/Chicago] style. Ensure that each reference is correctly formatted and follows the citation guidelines.”

47. Generate Citations (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Generate citations in [APA/MLA/Chicago] format for the following sources. Ensure that the citations are accurate and follow the specified style guide.”

48. Explore Themes (Creative Writing)

Copy code
“Suggest themes for a creative writing piece on [subject]. The themes should be original, thought-provoking, and adaptable to various genres and narrative styles.”

49. Suggest Titles (Creative Writing)

Copy code
“Provide a list of creative titles for a story or novel about [topic]. The titles should be catchy, intriguing, and give a sense of the story’s tone or central theme.”

50. Develop Characters (Creative Writing)

Copy code
“Create character profiles for a [genre] story. Include details such as name, background, personality traits, motivations, and how they evolve over the course of the narrative.”

51. Create a Setting (Creative Writing)

Copy code
“Describe a vivid setting for a [genre] story. Include details that evoke the five senses and establish the atmosphere, time, and place for the events of the story.”

52. Write Monologues (Creative Writing)

Copy code
“Write a monologue for a character experiencing [emotion or situation]. The monologue should reveal the character’s inner thoughts and feelings, driving emotional engagement.”

53. Overcome Writer’s Block (Creative Writing)

Copy code
“Provide a creative writing prompt to help overcome writer’s block. The prompt should spark imagination and inspire a new direction for a story or project.”

54. Brainstorm Plot Ideas (Creative Writing)

Copy code
“Brainstorm unique plot ideas for a [genre] story. Include unexpected twists, dynamic character arcs, and opportunities for dramatic tension.”

55. Proofread & Edit (Proofreading)

Copy code
“Proofread and edit the following text for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and clarity. Ensure that the writing is error-free and flows smoothly.”

56. Improve Sentence Structure (Proofreading)

Copy code
“Revise the following sentences to improve their structure and readability. Ensure that the sentences are concise and well-constructed.”

57. Correct Grammatical Errors (Proofreading)

Copy code
“Correct any grammatical errors in the following text. Ensure that the writing follows standard grammar rules and reads smoothly.”

58. Ensure Style Consistency (Proofreading)

Copy code
“Edit the following text to ensure that the writing style remains consistent throughout. Pay attention to tone, voice, and tense.”

59. Tailor Language for a Specific Audience (Proofreading)

Copy code
“Adjust the language and tone of the following text to suit [specific audience]. Ensure that the writing is engaging and appropriate for this demographic.”

60. Check Plagiarism (Proofreading)

Copy code
“Review the following text for potential plagiarism. Ensure that all sources are properly cited and that the writing is original.”

61. Check Verb Tense Consistency (Proofreading)

Copy code
“Edit the following text to ensure that verb tense is used consistently throughout. Make adjustments where necessary to improve the clarity and coherence of the writing.”

62. Brainstorm Video Topics (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Suggest creative video topics for a [type of video]. The topics should be engaging and relevant to the intended audience, with opportunities for strong visual storytelling.”

63. Generate Title (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Create a compelling title for a video on [topic]. The title should be catchy, concise, and reflect the main theme or message of the video.”

64. Build Narrative Flow (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Structure the narrative flow of a video script on [topic]. Ensure that the story progresses logically and keeps the audience engaged from beginning to end.”

65. Create Character Profiles (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Develop character profiles for a video script in the [genre]. Include details such as their name

66. Craft Dialogues (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Write engaging dialogue for the characters in a [type of video] script. Ensure that the conversations feel natural and help advance the story or message.”

67. Draft Scenes (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Write a scene for a [genre] video script. Ensure that the scene is visually dynamic, moves the story forward, and captures the tone of the overall video.”

68. Provide Script Feedback (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Review the following video script and provide constructive feedback. Analyze the narrative, pacing, dialogue, and character development, offering suggestions for improvement.”

69. Outline Scene Breakdown (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Create a scene breakdown for a [genre] video. Include key visual elements, character interactions, and plot points for each scene to guide the production process.”

70. Gather Details About Company (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Research the company [name] that you are applying to. Summarize their mission, values, and recent projects to help craft a tailored cover letter.”

71. Write Cover Letter Introduction (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a strong introductory paragraph for a cover letter applying to [position] at [company]. The introduction should capture attention and express enthusiasm for the role.”

72. Summarize Relevant Skills (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Summarize the most relevant skills and experience you possess for [job]. Highlight how your background aligns with the company’s needs and objectives.”

73. Highlight Previous Achievements (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a paragraph that highlights specific achievements in your previous roles that are relevant to the position at [company].”

74. Demonstrate Passion for the Industry (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a cover letter paragraph that demonstrates your passion for working in the [industry] and how your values align with those of [company].”

75. Conclude the Letter (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a professional conclusion for a cover letter applying to [position]. Express gratitude and eagerness to contribute to the company’s success.”

76. Explain How Skills Match Requirements (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a paragraph explaining how your skills, experience, and education match the requirements for [job position] at [company].”

77. Write Entire Cover Letter (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a complete cover letter applying for [position] at [company]. Ensure that the letter is tailored to the job posting, highlights your skills, and demonstrates your enthusiasm for the role.”

78. Brainstorm Book Topics (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Suggest nonfiction book topics that explore [subject or theme]. The topics should be engaging, researchable, and have potential for wide appeal.”

79. Come Up With Title Ideas (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Generate creative title ideas for a nonfiction book on [topic]. The title should be concise, descriptive, and captivating.”

80. Generate Outline (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Draft an outline for a nonfiction book on [subject]. Include chapter titles and a brief description of the content to be covered in each chapter.”

81. Write Individual Chapters (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Write a detailed chapter on [specific topic] for a nonfiction book. Ensure the chapter is well-structured, starting with an engaging introduction, followed by clear explanations and examples, and concluding with key takeaways. The chapter should be informative, factually accurate, and flow seamlessly from one section to the next, keeping the reader engaged while conveying deep insights.”

82. Proofread & Edit (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Proofread and edit a nonfiction chapter on [topic]. Focus on improving sentence structure, grammar, clarity, and overall flow. Ensure the writing is free from errors, with precise language and clear transitions between sections. Ensure that complex ideas are explained in a way that is both accessible and engaging to the reader.”

83. Check Copy for Unnecessary Words (Copywriting)

Copy code
“Review the following copy for unnecessary words and phrases that may dilute the message. Rewrite the content to be more concise and impactful while maintaining the original tone and intent. Focus on eliminating redundancy and streamlining the content to maximize its clarity and effectiveness.”

84. Improve Readability of Copy (Copywriting)

Copy code
“Edit the following copy to improve readability. Focus on simplifying complex sentences, breaking up long paragraphs, and ensuring that the language is accessible to the target audience. Ensure the content flows naturally and is engaging, making it easier for the reader to absorb the key message.”

85. Write Copy Using AIDA Framework (Copywriting)

Copy code
“Write a piece of copy using the AIDA framework (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) for a [product/service]. Craft a compelling headline to grab attention, followed by content that piques interest by highlighting the benefits. Build desire by addressing the reader’s needs and then conclude with a strong call to action, motivating the reader to take the next step.”

86. Generate Variants for A/B Testing (Copywriting)

Copy code
“Generate multiple variants of the following piece of copy for A/B testing purposes. Ensure each version has subtle differences in tone, messaging, or calls to action, while keeping the core content intact. These variants should test different elements such as emotional appeal, persuasive techniques, or calls to action to determine which resonates best with the target audience.”

87. Generate Story Ideas (Story Writing)

Copy code
“Brainstorm original and creative story ideas in the [genre]. Each idea should include a brief description of the plot, the central conflict, and the main characters. Ensure that the ideas are unique, compelling, and have the potential for character development and emotional depth.”

88. Build a Story Plot (Story Writing)

Copy code
“Develop a detailed plot for a [genre] story. Include the setup, main conflict, rising action, climax, and resolution. Ensure that the plot has a clear structure and incorporates twists, character arcs, and meaningful resolutions that create a powerful narrative experience for the reader.”

89. Create Characters (Story Writing)

Copy code
“Create a detailed character profile for a [genre] story. Include the character’s name, background, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and how they evolve throughout the story. Ensure that the character is multidimensional and contributes to the development of the plot and themes.”

90. Establish a Scene (Story Writing)

Copy code
“Write a vivid description of a key scene in a [genre] story. Include sensory details, emotional undertones, and the atmosphere of the setting. Ensure that the scene is immersive, helping the reader to visualize the world and feel the tension or emotions within the story.”

91. Write the Full Story (Story Writing)

Copy code
“Write a complete short story in the [genre]. Ensure that the narrative has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Focus on developing the plot and characters while weaving in engaging descriptions, dialogues, and meaningful themes.”

92. Brainstorm Ideas (Speech Writing)

Copy code
“Brainstorm ideas for a speech on [topic]. The ideas should be relevant, impactful, and tailored to the audience, with key points that will resonate and leave a lasting impression.”

93. Research the Topic (Speech Writing)

Copy code
“Research and gather data on [speech topic]. Provide credible sources and key statistics, quotes, or facts that can be incorporated into the speech to add authority and relevance.”

94. Create Speech Outline (Speech Writing)

Copy code
“Create an outline for a speech on [topic]. The outline should include an engaging introduction, a clear structure for the key points, supporting examples, and a memorable conclusion.”

95. Write the First Draft (Speech Writing)

Copy code
“Write the first draft of a speech on [topic]. Ensure the speech is well-organized, addresses the audience directly, and includes anecdotes or examples to illustrate the main points. The tone should be engaging and the message clear.”

96. Edit and Revise (Speech Writing)

Copy code
“Edit and revise the following speech. Focus on improving the clarity of the message, the flow of ideas, and the emotional impact. Remove any redundant phrases and enhance the overall coherence of the speech.”

97. Practice Delivery (Speech Writing)

Copy code
“Suggest tips for practicing the delivery of a speech on [topic]. Focus on improving public speaking skills such as tone, pacing, body language, and audience engagement techniques.”

98. Summarize a Complex Paper (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Summarize the main points of the following research paper on [topic]. Ensure that the summary captures the key findings, methodologies, and conclusions, while simplifying complex concepts for easier understanding.”

99. Formulate a Research Question (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Formulate a clear and focused research question for a study on [topic]. Ensure that the question is specific, measurable, and relevant to the research field, guiding the study’s direction and goals.”

100. Find Research Methodologies (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Recommend suitable research methodologies for a paper on [topic]. Provide reasoning for why these methods are appropriate based on the research question and the nature of the study.”

101. Draft a Research Paper Outline (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Create a detailed outline for a research paper on [topic]. Include key sections such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Provide brief explanations of what each section will cover.”

102. Improve Readability (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Edit the following research paper to improve its readability. Focus on simplifying complex language, clarifying jargon, and improving the overall flow of the text to make the content more accessible to a broader audience.”

103. Interpret Reviewer’s Feedback (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Interpret the feedback provided by peer reviewers on the following research paper. Offer suggestions for revisions that address the reviewer’s concerns while maintaining the integrity of the original research.”

104. Write an Abstract (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Write a concise and informative abstract for a research paper on [topic]. Ensure that the abstract summarizes the key objectives, methodologies, results, and conclusions of the study, providing a clear overview of the paper.”

105. Understand Ethical Considerations (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Discuss the ethical considerations involved in conducting research on [topic]. Ensure that the discussion covers potential risks to participants, consent, confidentiality, and any other ethical concerns relevant to the study.”

106. Search for Prior Work (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Conduct a search for prior research on [topic]. Summarize the key findings from relevant studies and explain how these works will inform and support your current research project.”

107. Find Data Sources (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Locate and suggest relevant data sources for a research study on [topic]. These sources should be credible, up-to-date, and provide data that can support the hypotheses or analysis in the research.”

108. Promote Your Paper (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Develop a promotional strategy to share your published research paper on [topic] with a wider audience. Include methods for sharing the paper on academic platforms, social media, and with relevant professional networks.”

109. Generate Key Points (Technical Writing)

Copy code
“Generate the key points for a technical document on [topic]. Ensure the key points are clear, concise, and effectively communicate the essential information to the reader.”

110. Draft FAQ Section (Technical Writing)

Copy code
“Draft a comprehensive FAQ section for a technical manual on [product/service]. Ensure that the questions cover common user concerns and the answers provide clear, detailed, and helpful information.”

111. Research & Fact-Check (Technical Writing)

Copy code
“Conduct in-depth research and fact-check the following technical document on [topic]. Ensure that all statements are accurate, supported by credible sources, and up-to-date with the latest industry standards and technological developments.”

112. Improve Document Structure (Technical Writing)

Copy code
“Edit the following technical document to improve its overall structure. Focus on organizing the content logically, using clear headings, bullet points, and sections, to make the document easier to navigate and understand.”

113. Get Feedback (Technical Writing)

Copy code
“Provide comprehensive feedback on the technical document for [product/service]. Analyze its clarity, accuracy, and effectiveness in communicating the intended information. Offer suggestions for improvement where necessary.”

114. Optimize Content (Technical Writing)

Copy code
“Optimize the following technical content for clarity and ease of understanding. Remove jargon, simplify complex concepts, and ensure the language is accessible to a wider audience, including non-experts.”

115. Handle Stress & Time Management (Technical Writing)

Copy code
“Create a guide on managing stress and time effectively when working on large-scale technical writing projects. Include tips on prioritizing tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and maintaining focus under pressure.”

116. Brainstorm Video Topics (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Suggest creative and engaging video topics for a YouTube channel focused on [subject]. Ensure that each idea is relevant to the target audience, incorporates visual storytelling, and has potential for high viewer engagement.”

117. Generate Title (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Create a captivating title for a video on [topic]. Ensure the title is concise, descriptive, and includes keywords that will optimize the video for SEO and attract viewers’ attention.”

118. Build Narrative Flow (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Develop the narrative flow for a video script on [topic]. Ensure the script has a clear beginning, middle, and end, with smooth transitions between scenes and a logical progression of ideas that keeps the audience engaged.”

119. Create Character Profiles (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Develop detailed character profiles for a video script in the [genre]. Include each character’s background, motivations, and how they fit into the overall narrative. Ensure that the characters are well-rounded and contribute meaningfully to the story.”

120. Craft Dialogues (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Write engaging dialogues for characters in a [genre] video script. Ensure that the dialogue feels natural, reflects the characters’ personalities, and helps to advance the plot or theme of the video.”

121. Draft Scenes (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Write a draft for a key scene in a [genre] video script. Include detailed descriptions of the setting, character actions, and dialogue. Ensure the scene contributes to the narrative arc and captures the viewer’s attention.”

122. Provide Script Feedback (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Review the following video script and offer detailed feedback on its pacing, dialogue, and overall narrative structure. Identify areas that could be improved for clarity or engagement, and provide actionable suggestions.”

123. Outline Scene Breakdown (Video Scripts)

Copy code
“Create an outline of the key scenes in a video script on [topic]. For each scene, include the main objectives, characters involved, and any key visual elements or transitions that will enhance the storytelling.”

124. Gather Details About Company (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Research [company] and provide details about their mission, values, and recent projects. Use this information to write a customized cover letter that highlights how your skills and experience align with the company’s goals.”

125. Write Cover Letter Introduction (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Craft a strong introductory paragraph for a cover letter applying to [position] at [company]. Ensure that the introduction grabs the reader’s attention, demonstrates your enthusiasm for the role, and sets the tone for the rest of the letter.”

126. Summarize Relevant Skills and Experience (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a paragraph in a cover letter that summarizes your most relevant skills and experience for [job]. Focus on key accomplishments and qualifications that directly align with the job description.”

127. Highlight Previous Achievements (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a section of a cover letter that highlights specific achievements in your previous roles. Ensure the accomplishments are quantifiable and demonstrate how your contributions had a positive impact.”

128. Demonstrate Passion for the Industry (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a paragraph for a cover letter that showcases your passion for working in [industry]. Describe what motivates you in this field and how your passion aligns with the company’s values and goals.”

129. Conclude the Letter (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a strong concluding paragraph for a cover letter. Express your interest in the position, gratitude for the opportunity, and enthusiasm about contributing to the success of [company].”

130. Explain How Skills Match the Job Requirements (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a paragraph that clearly explains how your skills and experience match the specific requirements listed in the job posting for [position]. Focus on providing concrete examples that demonstrate your qualifications.”

131. Write Entire Cover Letter at Once (Cover Letters)

Copy code
“Write a complete cover letter applying for [position] at [company]. Ensure the letter is well-structured, demonstrates your enthusiasm for the role, highlights your key skills and experience, and concludes with a strong call to action.”

132. Brainstorm Book Topics (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Generate a list of potential topics for a nonfiction book on [subject]. Ensure that the topics are engaging, relevant, and have enough depth to sustain a full-length book.”

133. Come Up with Title Ideas (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Suggest several potential titles for a nonfiction book on [subject]. Ensure that the titles are concise, engaging, and clearly reflect the main theme or purpose of the book.”

134. Generate Outline (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Create a detailed outline for a nonfiction book on [subject]. Include chapter titles and brief descriptions of the content that will be covered in each chapter, ensuring the structure flows logically from one section to the next.”

135. Write Individual Chapters (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Write a full chapter for a nonfiction book on [topic]. The chapter should be informative, well-organized, and engaging, using clear examples and explanations to convey key concepts.”

136. Proofread & Edit (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Proofread and edit a nonfiction chapter on [topic]. Focus on improving clarity, fixing grammatical errors, and enhancing the overall flow of the writing to ensure the content is easy to understand and free from distractions.”

137. Summarize Key Points (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Summarize the key points of the following nonfiction text on [topic]. Ensure that the summary captures the most important concepts and provides a clear overview of the material.”

138. Edit for Clarity (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Edit the following nonfiction writing for clarity. Remove any ambiguous or confusing language, simplify complex sentences, and ensure the information is presented in a logical and coherent manner.”

139. Craft Nonfiction Narratives (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Write a compelling narrative for a nonfiction book on [topic]. Ensure that the narrative is engaging, weaves facts with storytelling, and keeps the reader invested in the subject matter.”

140. Provide Examples & Case Studies (Nonfiction Writing)

Copy code
“Provide real-world examples and case studies to support the claims made in a nonfiction book on [topic]. Ensure the examples are relevant and illustrate the key points clearly and convincingly.”

141. Check Copy for Unnecessary Words (Copywriting)

Copy code
“Review the following copy and remove any unnecessary words, redundancies, or filler content. Ensure that the message is concise, impactful, and delivers the intended meaning without losing clarity.”

142. Improve Readability of Copy (Copywriting)

Copy code
“Edit the following copy to improve readability for the target audience. Simplify complex language, shorten long sentences, and ensure the tone and style are engaging and aligned with the audience’s preferences.”

143. Write Copy Using AIDA Framework (Copywriting)

Copy code
“Write compelling copy for a [product/service] using the AIDA framework (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). Create a strong opening to grab attention, build interest by highlighting benefits, generate desire by solving a pain point, and finish with a clear call to action.”

144. Generate Variants for A/B Testing (Copywriting)

Copy code
“Create multiple versions of the following copy for A/B testing. Each version should vary in tone, length, or key messaging to determine which performs better with the target audience.”

145. Create Engaging Storyline (Fiction Writing)

Copy code
“Develop an engaging storyline for a [genre] fiction book. Ensure the story includes a compelling premise, relatable characters, and a dynamic plot that builds tension and keeps readers invested.”

146. Develop Memorable Characters (Fiction Writing)

Copy code
“Create memorable characters for a [genre] fiction novel. Include detailed descriptions of their appearance, personality, backstory, and motivations. Ensure that each character has depth and drives the narrative forward.”

147. Overcome Writer’s Block (Fiction Writing)

Copy code
“Generate creative prompts to help overcome writer’s block when writing a [genre] fiction novel. These prompts should inspire new ideas and encourage the exploration of different directions in the story.”

148. Write Dialogues (Fiction Writing)

Copy code
“Write authentic and engaging dialogues between characters in a [genre] fiction novel. Ensure that the dialogue reflects each character’s voice, moves the plot forward, and reveals deeper layers of their personalities.”

149. Brainstorm Plot Ideas (Fiction Writing)

Copy code
“Brainstorm unique and compelling plot ideas for a [genre] fiction novel. Each idea should have a central conflict, dynamic character development, and the potential for emotional or intellectual impact on the reader.”

150. Edit & Proofread (Fiction Writing)

Copy code
“Edit and proofread a chapter from a [genre] fiction novel. Ensure the writing is polished, free of grammatical errors, and flows smoothly. Pay special attention to continuity, pacing, and character development.”

151. Explore Themes (Children’s Books)

Copy code
“Explore potential themes for a children’s book on [topic]. Each theme should be appropriate for the target age group, educational, and engaging, while promoting positive values and imagination.”

152. Suggest Book Title (Children’s Books)

Copy code
“Create a list of potential titles for a children’s book about [topic]. The titles should be catchy, easy to remember, and reflect the theme or lesson of the story.”

153. Suggest Resolution and Endings (Children’s Books)

Copy code
“Suggest a resolution and ending for a children’s book on [topic]. Ensure the ending is satisfying, ties up loose ends, and reinforces the lesson or message of the story in a way that is relatable for children.”

154. Create Character Profiles (Children’s Books)

Copy code
“Create detailed character profiles for a children’s book. Include each character’s name, personality traits, and role in the story. Ensure the characters are relatable to the target age group and contribute to the story’s lesson or theme.”

155. Visualize Characters (Children’s Books)

Copy code
“Describe the physical appearance and visual traits of characters in a children’s book. Include details about their clothing, expressions, and actions that will appeal to young readers.”

156. Structure a Basic Plot (Children’s Books)

Copy code
“Structure a basic plot for a children’s book on [topic]. Ensure the plot is simple yet engaging, with a clear beginning, middle, and end that conveys a valuable lesson or message to young readers.”

157. Summarize Complex Topics (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Summarize the key points of a complex academic paper on [topic]. Ensure the summary captures the main arguments, findings, and contributions of the research in a clear and concise way.”

158. Draft Introduction (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Write an introduction for an academic paper on [topic]. Include the research question, a brief overview of relevant literature, and the main objectives of the paper. Ensure the introduction sets a clear foundation for the rest of the paper.”

159. Develop Research Questions (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Develop a series of clear and focused research questions for a study on [topic]. Ensure the questions are specific, measurable, and relevant to the objectives of the research.”

160. Formulate Hypothesis (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Formulate a testable hypothesis for a research paper on [topic]. Ensure the hypothesis is specific, grounded in the existing literature, and can be tested through empirical research.”

161. Assist with Literature Review (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Conduct a literature review on [topic]. Summarize key studies, their methodologies, findings, and how they contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Ensure the review is comprehensive and highlights gaps in the current research.”

162. Write Sections of the Paper (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Write a section of an academic paper on [topic]. Ensure that the writing is clear, follows academic conventions, and includes relevant citations from the literature to support the arguments.”

163. Correct Grammar and Syntax (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Correct any grammatical and syntactical errors in the following academic text. Ensure the writing is polished, professional, and free of common writing mistakes.”

164. Format References (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Format the references in the following academic paper according to [APA/MLA/Chicago] style. Ensure that each reference is complete, accurate, and follows the guidelines of the chosen style.”

165. Generate Citations (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Generate citations in [APA/MLA/Chicago] format for the following sources. Ensure that the citations are properly formatted and consistent with the chosen style guide.”

166. Develop Thesis Statement (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Create a clear and concise thesis statement for an essay on [topic]. The thesis should clearly present the main argument of the essay and serve as a guide for the points to be discussed.”

167. Draft a Research Paper Outline (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Create a structured outline for a research paper on [topic]. Include key sections such as introduction, methodology, literature review, results, and conclusion, with a brief description of what each section will cover.”

168. Edit & Proofread (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Proofread and edit the following academic paper for clarity, grammar, and overall flow. Ensure that the writing is polished and adheres to academic standards.”

169. Interpret Reviewer’s Feedback (Academic Writing)

Copy code
“Review the feedback provided by peer reviewers on the following academic paper. Offer suggestions for addressing their concerns and improving the overall quality of the paper while preserving the author’s original intent.”

170. Check Reference Formatting (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Ensure that all references in the following essay are formatted correctly according to [APA/MLA/Chicago] guidelines. Correct any formatting inconsistencies and ensure that all sources are cited accurately.”

171. Brainstorm Plotlines (Fiction Writing)

Copy code
“Brainstorm a series of potential plotlines for a [genre] fiction novel. Each plotline should include the central conflict, key character arcs, and major turning points.”

172. Develop Story Arcs (Fiction Writing)

Copy code
“Create detailed story arcs for the main characters in a [genre] fiction novel. Ensure that each arc shows character growth, conflict resolution, and contributes meaningfully to the overall plot.”

173. Write Conclusion for a Research Paper (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Write a strong conclusion for a research paper on [topic]. Summarize the key findings, discuss their implications, and suggest potential areas for future research.”

174. Develop Argument (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Develop a persuasive argument for an essay on [topic]. Ensure that the argument is well-supported by evidence, logically structured, and compelling to the reader.”

175. Create Outline for a Speech (Speech Writing)

Copy code
“Draft an outline for a speech on [topic]. Include key points for the introduction, main body, and conclusion, ensuring that the speech flows logically and keeps the audience engaged.”

176. Generate Title Ideas for Essay (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Suggest a list of potential titles for an essay on [topic]. Ensure that the titles are engaging, informative, and reflect the main argument of the essay.”

177. Draft Email for Potential Collaborators (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Write an email to potential collaborators for a [type of project]. Introduce the project, explain how their involvement would add value, and suggest a meeting to discuss collaboration opportunities.”

178. Find Relevant Grants (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Research and suggest relevant grant opportunities for a [project]. Ensure that the grants align with the project’s goals and objectives, and that the eligibility criteria are met.”

179. Develop Project Budget (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Create a detailed project budget for [project] to be included in a grant proposal. Include itemized costs for personnel, equipment, materials, and other relevant expenses, ensuring the budget aligns with the funding requirements.”

180. Outline Grant Proposal (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Draft an outline for a grant proposal for [project]. Include sections on the project’s objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, budget, and how the project aligns with the grant’s funding priorities.”

181. Suggest Resolutions and Endings (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Suggest potential resolutions and endings for a script on [topic]. Ensure that the ending is satisfying, ties up loose plot points, and provides a meaningful conclusion to the narrative.”

182. Edit for Emotional Impact (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Edit the following scene from a script to enhance its emotional impact. Focus on refining the dialogue, pacing, and actions to evoke stronger feelings from the audience.”

183. Analyze Character Development (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Analyze the character development in the following script. Identify any inconsistencies or areas where the character arc can be strengthened to create a more cohesive and compelling narrative.”

184. Write Character Monologue (Script Writing)

Copy code
“Write a character monologue for [character] in a script. Ensure the monologue reveals important aspects of the character’s inner thoughts and motivations, while also contributing to the progression of the plot.”

185. Develop Unique Plot Twists (Fiction Writing)

Copy code
“Suggest unique plot twists for a [genre] fiction novel. Each twist should be surprising, yet believable within the story’s context, and have a significant impact on the characters or the direction of the plot.”

186. Outline Project Timeline (Grant Writing)

Copy code
“Create a detailed timeline for a grant project. Include key milestones, deadlines, and deliverables, ensuring that the timeline aligns with the project’s objectives and the grant’s requirements.”

187. Interpret Data for Research Paper (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Interpret the following dataset for a research paper on [topic]. Summarize the key trends, outliers, and implications of the data in relation to the research question.”

188. Analyze Structure (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Analyze the structure of the following essay. Provide feedback on the organization of ideas, transitions between sections, and overall coherence of the argument.”

189. Summarize Key Findings (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Summarize the key findings of a research paper on [topic]. Ensure that the summary captures the most important results and their implications for the research field.”

190. Find Supporting Evidence (Research Paper Writing)

Copy code
“Find supporting evidence from existing research to back up the claims made in the following research paper on [topic]. Ensure the sources are credible and relevant to the subject matter.”

191. Write Meta Description (Website Copy)

Copy code
“Write a meta description for a webpage about [topic]. Ensure that the description is concise, includes relevant keywords, and encourages users to click through to the page.”

192. Explore Content Angles (Website Copy)

Copy code
“Suggest different content angles for a website focused on [topic]. Each angle should offer a unique perspective that appeals to the target audience and aligns with the website’s goals.”

193. Generate Headline Ideas (Website Copy)

Copy code
“Generate a list of compelling headline ideas for a webpage about [topic]. Ensure the headlines are engaging, informative, and optimized for SEO.”

194. Write Product Descriptions (Website Copy)

Copy code
“Write a product description for [product]. Focus on highlighting its key features, benefits, and how it solves the customer’s problem. Ensure the description is concise, persuasive, and optimized for conversions.”

195. Draft Website Page Copy (Website Copy)

Copy code
“Draft the main copy for a webpage about [topic]. Ensure the copy is informative, engaging, and written in a tone that resonates with the target audience. Include a clear call to action to guide users toward the next step.”

196. Edit & Refine Content (Website Copy)

Copy code
“Edit and refine the following website copy for clarity, tone, and engagement. Ensure that the content is optimized for SEO, free from errors, and flows smoothly for the reader.”

197. Analyze Audience (Website Copy)

Copy code
“Analyze the target audience for a website focused on [topic]. Provide insights into their preferences, pain points, and interests, and offer suggestions on how to tailor the website content to better engage this audience.”

198. Structure an Argument (Essay Writing)

Copy code
“Develop a structured argument for an essay on [topic]. Ensure that the argument is logically organized, with clear supporting points and evidence that back up the main claim.”

199. Interpret Complex Data (Journalism Writing)

Copy code
“Interpret complex data for a news article on [topic]. Summarize the key findings, trends, and implications in a way that is accessible and understandable for a general audience.”

200. Suggest Catchy Article Headlines (Journalism Writing)

Copy code
“Generate catchy and informative headlines for a news article on [topic]. Ensure that the headlines are engaging, reflect the content of the article, and entice readers to click through.”


In platforms like Makerobos' Frontman, prompt engineering plays a critical role in enhancing the chatbot’s capabilities. By leveraging advanced modules such as Instinct AI, Frontman enables chatbots to adapt in real-time, offering personalized, dynamic responses that elevate the user experience. This not only improves engagement but also drives conversions and business outcomes.

Get Started with Makerobos' Generative AI Chatbot

Implementing a generative AI chatbot has never been easier. With Makerobos, you can:

  1. Sign Up for a Free Plan: Visit Makerobos.com to start your journey.
  2. Connect Your Knowledge Sources: Use data from your website, documents, and knowledge bases.
  3. Customize the Chatbot: Set the tone, style, and behavior to match your brand.
  4. Deploy on Website/Mobile: Launch the chatbot on your business website.
  5. Monitor and Optimize: Use analytics to track performance and make improvements.


Incorporating a generative AI chatbot into your customer service strategy is a powerful way to enhance customer satisfaction, reduce operational costs, and stay ahead of the competition. Makerobos' feature-rich platform makes it accessible for businesses of all sizes to leverage this technology without the need for coding expertise.

Ready to transform your business? Get Started for Free

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