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AI Chatbots and the Future of Lead Generation, Marketing & Customer Support

AI Chatbots and the Future of Lead Generation, Marketing & Customer Support


According to a report by InsideSales, more than 90 percent of the businesses fail to take immediate action on the newly generated leads and customer query within the recommended timeline.

From the sales perspective, every minute matters. But, businesses that utilize conventional tools miss tons of shots that are meant to be patted. It eventually results in the decline of lead generation as well as revenue.

Adapt and Scale New Heights

In today’s business scenario it has become imperative to connect with clients as they ask. Therefore, how readily you establish a connection with your prospects is the driving factor in closing the deal. And, this is where AI chatbots can be a great help. Like, Frontman greets the users and ask their “Purpose of visit” as they land on a website. With this always active functionality, this bot can do wonders in the field of lead generation, sales, and customer support.

Know the Purpose of Visit and Channelize the Visitors

For instance, let’s say that you have an insurance website that features Bike insurance, Car insurance, Life insurance, Home insurance, Health insurance, etc. So, how do you analyze what a particular visitor is trying to avail?

But, the same task gets easier with AI chatbots like Frontman. Because it asks the visitors “How may I assist you?” And, when a visitor replies “I want to know about home insurance” then using Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing, Frontman can recognize the query and assign it to the relevant team. 

This way you can enhance the customer experience as well as fasten the business operation.

Lead Response Time is the Decisive Factor

It’s great that your website is hitting the mark of thousands or millions of visitors every month. But, at the same time, are you able to convert even 20% of them into your customers? Because, if not then you are not doing justice to the visitors as well as your online business.

It gets worse when you spend millions on offline marketing, PPC ads, content syndication, SEO, SEM, Email marketing, etc. for driving the traffic that you can’t tap. Because it lifts the operation while drops the ROI of your business.

Therefore, to connect with the prospects, you should take advantage of the intelligent conversational platforms like AI chatbot. They can answer the general queries of the website visitors, and understand the requirement of the users.

Plus, with the exchange of information, it gets easier for AI chatbots to ask for user details, such as username, city, Email address, contact number, etc. By getting the detail of the prospects, bots transfer them to the concerned team in real-time. That makes it easier for a business to connect with the prospects and convert them into happy customers.

The Solution: Make it Easier with Conversational Marketing

Selling a product gets easier when you explain it to the audience. That’s why businesses market their products and services on mixed medias. But, don’t you think that your website can be the best place for laying the foundation of marketing.

But, how a website can drive marketing?

Because, after seeing a marketing campaign, to know more about a product or service, it’s obvious for the users to visit your website. So, by deploying a bot, you can interactively engage and educate website visitors about a product, it prompts them to get their hands on it. And, that ultimately leads to the success of a marketing campaign.

Take an example of a typical conversation between a user and the Frontman on a Finance website. The website has rich contextual information and the Frontman-built chatbot engages with the visitors to offer them specific information by retrieving it from the website. To initiate conversation the Frontman can begin with simple questions, such as ‘Would you like to avail exciting finance offers?,‘Are you just researching’?, ‘Which finance services suit your needs’? Furthermore, it can answer their queries regarding the same. And, when asked for more assistance, Frontman can arrange a quick meeting with a human agent.

The idea is simple, keep pitching to drive sales

Frontman being an AI chatbot can remember visitors by name, what they queried during the previous visit, what they disliked, and what products they sorted out. This ability of Frontman makes it easier for you to tailor a personalized conversation for the repeating users.

Moreover, in the case of the repeated visitors, the bot will begin the conversation where they had left off. And, by facilitating users with their interest, you can attract their attention and drive them towards the transactional phase.

Act Quickly or Lose the Customers

70% of the prospects don’t wait much before buying a product or availing a service when their queries get answered at the right time.

Answering the queries of website visitors is the key enabler in engaging with them and creating a sales funnel. That’s why we recommend acting on every query without any delay. Frontman can instantly answer 80% of the monotonous and repeated queries of the visitors. On the bright side, for complex queries, you can either train this AI chatbot or transfer the query to a human representative. In this way, a prospect never loses the sight of business, hence enhance the engagement and conversion rate in true sense.


Frontman is a perfect business suite. It leverages Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to learn about the behavior of visitors. For instance, if a user asks for instant help, it actively replies with “How can I help you?”, rather than saying “Wait for some time, one of our agents will connect soon”. The all-time availability of this chatbot makes it a perfect business companion. Plus, by personalizing conversations based on the visitors’ interaction, Frotman can market a product or service to keep the user engaged. As a result, it gets easygoing for businesses to create an optimized sales funnel.

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