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B2B Chatbot: Grow Your Business Network with Real-time Conversational Marketing

B2B Chatbot: Grow Your Business Network with Real-time Conversational Marketing


The true art of marketing lies in the personalization to the extent that users can’t resist to pursue your prodcuts or services.

Real-time marketing is another word for real-time personalization. It mainly focuses on catching the attention of the users by displaying suitable products as per their input and preferences. This makes it easier for the buyers to scroll the customized list of products, select and add them to the cart and get ahead to the transaction page. 

A big factor in enhancing the user experience with real-time marketing and personalization is relevancy. It means, if users have searched for a particular product on your website, then you should be able to assist them with relevant products and queries regarding the same. It’s not a complex task to tailor the user experience as per their interest. All it takes is smart tools that can interpret the intent of buyers and tailor the services as their interest. Such tools can be a great help in boosting the buying experience, as they cut out the clutter and presents only relevant information on the screen. 

B2B: Enhance Business Communication and Create A Sense of Urgency

Be it B2B or B2C market, today customers expect an instant response from businesses. That’s the reason why many E-commerce giants have deployed conversational AI chatbots. Mainly to take care of the queries of sellers/visitors/customers as they ask. With on-the-spot customer support, it gets easy for business persons and buyers to get their queries answered at any hour of the day. Eventually, real-time help desk availability benefits the companies in continuing the business cycle 24*7 and retain the trust of their customers. 

However, there are few differences in selling to customers vs selling to businesses. Like in B2C, end-users can buy products based on their opinion. Whereas, in B2B there’s nothing like this, as a product purchase cycle begins from the procurement department to accounting to the head of the departments for approval. This long process makes it challenging to sell a product in the B2B domain.

So, what makes the B2B domain different?

The challenges in the B2B domain are different, and that’s why it’s important to understand how AI chatbots like Frontman can help your business establish and secure sales with other companies.

In the business to business interactions, the complexity of leveraging buyers is intricate when compared to the B2C market. Certain factors drive the attention of other businesses like, possible use cases, pricing, what competitors offer, features, end-user impact, and scalability of the product.

Including these, here are some of the main challenges that businesses face while making B2B deals:

  • Not an easy task to directly contact decision-makers.
  • Change in the perspective of businesses. As a result, only a few businesses want to be approached by sales executives.
  • Businesses make decisions based on their research and pick up the best product.


How Can Next-gen AI Chatbots Bring B2B Together?

Undoubtedly, there are many challenges that a business faces while establishing a connection with another business. But, by leveraging next-gen technology like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing, a company can automate the process of answering the general queries of the buyers at any hour of the day.

AI chatbots offer a wide range of applications, that can be useful in enhancing the end-user experience as well as product experience. Specifically, when it comes to Frontman, it can help you go extra mile with the industry first and industry specific features, such as:

  • Book Meeting (/w Google Calendar)

Convert your sales funnel into customers with conversational meeting scheduler. Frontman can converse with buyers to understand their requirements. It can further assist them with scheduling a product demo or meeting with the relevant sales department. Frontman will confirm the provided details via OTP sent to the buyers' email/SMS. After confirming the details, it will send the meeting specifics to the Google Calendar of participants as a reminder. 

  • Personalization:

A personalized conversation is more likely to draw attention and shift the interest of buyers towards your product and services. You can personalize the experience on personal as well as business level. Also, this can help in enhancing the buyers’ engagement rate.

  •  Real-time help desk:

When it comes to queries, businesses are just like a regular customer. They ask a lot of questions to clear their heads and proceed forward. Many of their queries are repeated and monotonous, which a smart chatbot can answer in real-time. 

  • Lead verification:

In today’s business environment, it has become necessary to focus on the buyers that matter! However, with traditional tools, you get a lot of noise that yields a low engagement rate and conversion rate. On the other hand, conversational tools like chatbots are proving to be effective in leveraging higher engagement and conversion rates at a cost-effective price. A chatbot can confirm the provided details of buyers via OTP. Hence making it easier for you to connect with high-intent buyers. 

  • Deep prospecting and market research:

AI chatbots pose good memory allocation skills. They can store information regarding user engagement, preferences, etc. The same information can be useful in interpreting the interest of the prospects. Also, with the hands-on details on what buyers liked/disliked, you can customize the conversation as per their interest and pitch a product in a better way.

Also, by employing the data of hundreds of buyers, you can understand which products are more likely to perform better and how to scale products that are underperforming. 

  • Real-time business communication:

When it comes to interacting with businesses, traditional tools are proving to be less effective and costlier. Therefore relying solely on the Emails for approaching clients or connecting with the prospects might not be the best way. The reason being that one-way communication is less engaging when compared to the two-way interaction. Because, with two-way communication, buyers feel a sense of connection. Therefore, by making use of next-gen AI chatbots, you can conversationally market a product or service just like sales agents. 

Businesses Are More Likely to On-Board your SHIP

It has been seen that organizations that rely on high-end technologies are more likely to preferred by other companies. You can leverage AI chatbots to connect with the clients and at the same time market products and services to them. By personalizing the chatbot interaction as per your prospects’ interest, you can actively enhance the engagement and synergy with them. That’ll also help you to sell to the already engaged buyers.

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