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Chatbots for Bloggers : How Can Bloggers Make the Most of Chatbots?

Chatbots for Bloggers : How Can Bloggers Make the Most of Chatbots?


Blogging has transpired to be an effective method of content marketing, freelance journalism, influencer marketing, and search engine marketing. It would not be an understatement to say that bloggers are one of the most sort out content creators by brands and businesses aiming to increase brand awareness and visibility through organic reach. Demand for good content has made the market space for bloggers highly competitive with minimum product differentiation. Bloggers who do not inspire to monetize their blogs for marketing purposes like journalism and political blogs also face a crisis of overcrowding. To overcome this crisis, bloggers are adopting new technologies like a chatbot for bloggers.

Blogging is communicating, communicating your thoughts, your deeds, your expertise, and your offerings. Blogging can be personal or professional. A blog can be about fashion or finance, travels or toys, and it can be about yourself(personal blogs). It doesn’t matter what’s it about as long as you have great content; you deserve to be heard, communicated and cherished. Chatbots empowers you to do just that! They automate, personalize, and modernize communication with your readers, visitors, and clients. Allowing you to focus on the creative facet of blogging that is thinking and writing.

Chatbot for bloggers- why?

Chatbots for bloggers seem unconventional, but some creative applications can prove chatbots to be requisite for bloggers.

Let’s see how?

A chatbot is an artificially intelligent computer program that imitates, automates, and manages communication with its audience in natural language. Makerobos frontman is an enterprise chatbot platform that enables bloggers to build a chatbot that can manage colossal traffic, automate multiple tasks, and is suitable for bloggers.

Makerobos offers state of the art chatbot platform Frontman to build a chatbot for bloggers. Bloggers can use a lego based architecture GUI(graphic user interface) to create an optimal conversational flow for your chatbot.

Chatbot for engagement — conversational engagement with the audience

Engagement rates determine the relevance of a blog more than anything else. High engagement also means a surge in the reader’s interest, leading to increase in blogger’s ranking(SEO) and earnings. Chatbots are the ultimate tools to engage your readers with worthy conversations, FAQs, reviews, and interesting surveys. For a freelance blogger, a chatbot can be instrumental for client engagements, as blogging is a truly global profession. The time difference makes it hard for anyone to be available for everyone all the time; chatbots benefit bloggers by being at their service 24*7.

Bloggers can also incorporate chatbot into their interface to interact with readers in unique ways through conversational UI, for example

  • Fashion bloggers can integrate a fashion bot that suggests clothing and accessories to its readers.
  • Finance bloggers can give financial advice through a finance bot on their platform.
  • Travel bloggers can use a travel bot to suggest travel plans and stay options.
  • Tech bloggers can interact with tech junkies and provide perfect suggestions and comparisons.
  • Personal bloggers can design their bot’s conversational flow to project their unique personality.
  • Cooking bloggers can provide detailed recipes through chatbots.
  • Fitness bloggers can share personalized diet plans and workout routines based on the individual reader.
  • Food bloggers (critics) can recommend dining options to readers based on geolocation and preferences.

The point is that bloggers’ chatbot applications are unlimited if bloggers put their creativity in the right direction.

Makerobos frontman is powered by NLP (Natural language processing) to understand and converse in natural language. Frontman’s instinct AI allows bloggers to train their bot frequently with add on benefits of real-time analytics.

Chatbot for regular communication- automate communication via messaging apps.

Keeping their readers up-to-date is a cardinal task for any blogger. Most of the bloggers communicate their blog update via emails, that have limited CTR (click-through rates). The advantage of chatbot automated communication is that they can be integrated into the messaging app ecosystem. It has four significant benefits:

  • Messaging apps chatbots bots allow connecting with readers on the same platform where bloggers publish their content. For example, if a blogger is active on Facebook, then a messenger bot allows him/her to communicate via same platform, same goes for Twitter, etc.
  • Messaging apps have the most extensive consumer base in the world. Almost everyone on the internet has a messaging app profile through which he/she communicates. They have long surpassed the popularity of social media as well. Having a chatbot on a messaging app opens up a sea of opportunities for bloggers.
  • Messaging apps ensure a high click-through rate because consumers tend to engage with a message they receive via messaging app(e.g., WhatsApp) with respect to any other channel, e.g., email or SMS.
  • Messaging app chatbot offers two-way communication with readers and clients. Communication initiated by a chatbot on a messaging app is not a one-way message but a two-way communication. It enables a wide range of tasks like setting a reminder or enquire about another blog, ultimately leading through a conversion funnel(subscription).

With Makerobos frontman bloggers can create a wide range of messaging app chatbots, which enable them to cover full spectrum of communication channels.

Chatbot for analytics — user profiling and segmentation

Knowing your audience is crucial for a blogger. Chatbot engagements allow bloggers to know their audience base on a deeper level, enabling bloggers to generate content in sync with the audience’s personality and liking. Chatbots help bloggers in this regard in three ways.

  • Chatbots records every response by a visitor and segment the audience according to the conversational response.
  • Chatbots records visitors’ information like demographics, past online behavior(by tools like UTMS, cache, etc.), and general information. Bloggers can also create a specific fill out form to record the information that bloggers deem necessary.
  • Chatbots are powered with real-time analytics that automatically processes the recorded data at the blogger’s discretion and empowers bloggers with analytical knowledge about their audience.

MakerobosFrontman’s real-time analytics measures real-time engagements and empowers bloggers by providing necessary information like most frequently asked questions, most commonly clicked buttons, and most commonly visited blocks. This information lets bloggers regularly update the chatbot’s conversational flow and perfect user experience. Frontman chatbots use Audience manager, which categorizes visitors based on predefined system attributes like geolocation, device, etc., and custom defines user attributes defined by the user(i.e., blogger). Frontman’s real-time analytics also track live engagements with the website/blog post and chatbot constantly

Chatbot for blog navigation — manage traffic and improve UX.

Chatbots play an optimal assistant for blog visitors. AI chatbots can extract crucial information like visitors’ intentions, enabling them to guide a visitor to his/her desired destination. Chatbot exponentially improves user experience by efficient blog navigation and saving user’s time. User experience is also one of the significant factors that Google uses to rank any web page on the search page. Chatbot helps bloggers to manage and direct online traffic in the right direction and facilitate conversion.

Makerobos frontman’s quick reply card and multiple selection card lets chatbot assess visitors’ needs and logically branch conversation flow towards the desired outcome.

Chatbot for monetization — make money from bot space.

Having a bot and creating its conversational flow gives a unique opportunity to bloggers. Creating a conversational flow enable bloggers to build a chatbot that matches their unique personality. With that being said, blogs with a vast audience base can provide a unique conversational experience to their readers and create a unique monetized ecosystem by selling space on your conversational UI to the brands looking for unique marketing opportunities and paid services by bloggers themselves like consultation. For example,

  • Fashion bloggers can advertise apparel and accessory brand on their fashion chatbot.
  • Travel bloggers can use travel bots for advertising hospitality agencies.
  • Finance bloggers can monetize their bot as a paid financial consultation service.
  • Fitness bloggers can monetize their bots through advertisements and paid consultation.
  • Tech bloggers can monetize their bot space through the marketing of tech accessories and brands.
  • Lifestyle and food bloggers can advertise restaurants and brands through their bot interface.

The opportunities of growing blogger’s earnings through chatbots are as realistic as a can of diet coke; all that is required is to garb it out of a refrigerator! (metaphorically speaking).

Chatbot for assistance — manage trivial jobs.

Other than conversational functionalities, chatbot for bloggers can automate multiple tasks that make it easy for the bloggers to concentrate on the core job of content creation,

  • Book appointments
  • Intra-team communications
  • Setting reminders
  • Trigging communication with support teams

Frontman’s functionalities like email and SMS cards empower chatbot to continually communicate with support and sales team through SMS and emails. The chatbot shares critical information about the visitor with concerned team and helps them perform their tasks more efficiently.

Frontman’s date picker and book meeting functionality allow clients to book appointments through conversational UI(user interface based on a conversation).

Makerobos frontman allows bloggers to create business communication platform chatbots to assist your team efficiently

Chatbot for sales — sale funneling through conversational commerce

Conversational commerce (e-commerce that takes place through conversational UI) powered by chatbots is highly recommended for bloggers who sell their own products and services. We are entering into an era of conversational commerce due to its efficiency(time-saving) and user experience. Chatbot for bloggers enables efficient navigation of a potential consumer through the sales funnel and achieves high conversion rates.

Chatbot powered sale funneling is also crucial for professional bloggers who provide SEO services. A single interaction with a chatbot can provide crucial information like ranked articles, writing genre, and service fee to potential clients.

Makerobos Frontman chatbots for bloggers supports 3rd party integration like JSON API and Zapier API to realize the function of conversational commerce.

Now, wait no further and click here to book an appointment with Makrobo’s chatbot expert and chat your way into the world of chatbot powered blogging.

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