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Conversational Landing Page - Secret Marketing Tool

Conversational Landing Page - Secret Marketing Tool


What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is the first webpage that the users get to interact when they click on the website link from an e-mail or digital advertisements from different platforms. Businesses generally design it as per their specific campaign or promotion.

The main objective of the Landing Page is to gain leads and achieve maximum potential conversions. Marketers often organize different campaigns and operations on a Landing page to make user-interaction as engaging as possible. According to the reports, websites get 60% of their lead conversion from Landing Page, which indicates why its success so crucial for businesses.

Difference Between Landing Page And Website Page

Functionally, both the Landing Page and Website Page shows specific data or information to website visitors. The difference lies in the purpose of illustrating the data.

The website page can be many like About us page, Contact us page, Pricing Page, Features page, etc. They are used to provide multiple information such as contact details of the organization, and the description of products or services that the website is offering.

The Landing Page is also a type of webpage but is limited to a single webpage. It is solely focused on promoting the website campaigns, and showing the latest offers to website visitors. Its ultimate goal for the domain is to engage with the leads and increase conversion rate.

Types of Landing Page

There are mainly two types of Landing Page used by marketers, which are:

  • Landing Page with Web-form
  • Conversational Landing Page

Landing Page With Web-Forms

A Landing Page With Web-Forms is a page on the website that helps marketers to engage with website visitors via promotional banners. Its primary objective is to convert leads into customers. It contains a form that allows visitors to get their desired offer in exchange for their information like name, mobile number, e-mail address, etc.

Conversational Landing Page

A Conversational Landing Page is an advanced tool that can make interaction with website visitors on the landing page more engaging than web-form based Landing Pages. This method of engaging with visitors can help businesses to converse with their every prospect via conversational tools like Chatbots.

Similar to a traditional landing page, its sole purpose is also the same, that is, to convert leads into customers.

Conversational landing page better than the web-form landing page?

If you analyze why leads get dropped from Web-form Landing Page, you will find that it mostly happens because web-forms lack tools that can engage with visitors for convincing them to convert. Furthermore, they often fail to assist visitors with their queries regarding the product or services that the website is providing.

The Conversational Landing Page can overcome these issues seamlessly by assisting every website visitor on their queries, and promoting new offers conversationally. It can also engage with every prospect via contextual conversations for convincing them to make purchases. Ultimately, this can helps businesses in achieving higher lead conversion and boosting their ROI.

How Does Conversational Landing Page Works?

Conversational Landing Page is the most advanced and effective way of boosting lead conversion. In this layout, web-form is completely replaced with a chatbot enabled conversational landing page. When the users click on the link, they get redirected to a chatbot webpage. At there, a bot initially welcomes them and initiates conversation as per its training. The bot can also detect the source, and location of the visitors, and converse accordingly with them. This feature, however, helps chatbot to engage with visitors more interactively, which can increase the chances of conversion.

Customize Your Conversational Landing Page

You can customize your Conversational Landing Page in many ways like:

Display Setting

You can customize the location of your chat window to the center or right side of the landing page. You can also set the chatbot in the center with a transparent chatbot window background.

Background Setting

This feature allows you to change the background image of your conversational landing page. You can either choose a picture from the pre-uploaded collection or can upload a custom image relevant to your campaign and use it as the background image.

PWA Setting

You can allow your visitors to add chatbot as PWA (Progressive Web Application) on their desktop or smartphone from the menu bar of the landing page. Moreover, you can edit the PWA logo and name of the Conversational Landing Page as per your domain and campaign.

SEO Setting

While designing an engaging conversational landing page, creating good SEO is also essential. With this setting, you can create or change the meta title and meta description of the conversational landing page to improve the SEO of your page.


You can add links to share or redirect your visitors to your social media pages or the specific webpage of your website. You can also use this feature to add a Google Playstore link that can redirect your visitors to the application download page.

Customize URL

This feature allows you to change the slug of your conversational landing page. You can choose the slug relevant to what your domain offers or sales.

Chat Setting

With this setting, you can choose to start a new conversation with your revisitors or can choose to keep the conversation continue contextually with them.

Things to remember while building a Conversational Landing Page

While creating an efficient Landing Page, you must remember a few crucial points:

Set a clearly defined goal

While designing a conversational landing page, you should have complete clarity of your intent. You should also have an understanding of what kind of leads you need for your business and how you can focus on them to convert.

Use relevant writing structure

  1. Target right buyers: Every question or reply that you train to your chatbot should be written engaging enough that it can attract your buyers.
  2. Keep the tone your clear and confident: Confidence and clarity is a must in your writing tone. It can help you to gain the trust of buyers in your domain.
  3. Use a tone that can motivate visitors to take action: The writing tone should be powerfully convincing that it can drive your visitors to keep going further in the process of sales funneling.
  4. Describe benefits to the buyers: Your words in conversation should be capable of making your buyers understand that the offered product or service can benefit them in many ways.
  5. Use words that promote to take action in the "present": Don’t just focus on motivating your prospects to take action; ensure that the conversational flow is using the right words to encourage your prospects to take action in the present.
  6. Avoid terms that can create doubt: Verify that your statements are not creating contradiction with your previous statement. It can ensure that your visitor won’t feel doubtful about your product or service.
  7. Use stats and data to prove statements: You can use statistical data to show that your commitments and statements are actual. It can help you in boosting the interest of your visitors in your domain.

How to Design an Attractive Conversational Landing Page?

Designing a Landing Page requires creativity and knowledge. Here we have added a few tips that can guide you in making an attractive landing page:

Use animations, videos, custom images

Using texts continuously can make your visitors less responsive in the conversation. You should also use other mediums like animations, videos, and custom images in your flow to make it more engaging and dynamic. Moreover, gif’s can also be an excellent medium to engage with visitors more powerfully.

Using good custom images for your conversational landing can also make a difference.

Be consistent

Display meaningful content to the visitors, reply and question them with logical statements. Use real and verified stats and data.

Keep it simple but significant

Keep the conversational flow simple enough so that every visitor will be able to understand it. Try to use fewer but more logical words and lines to answer or ask a question.

Also, you can add a bit of sarcasm to make conversation even more humanoid. But do remember to check that it is relevant to the discussion and doesn’t make visitors annoy.

Include social sharing buttons

Add social media buttons on the Conversational Landing Page; it allows your visitors to get to know more about your brand or company and your social reach. It can also help you to increase impressions on your social media platforms.

Verify mobile version looks good too

Ensure that your mobile version of the conversational landing page also looks good. It enables businesses to assure that leads that are visiting their landing page also get to have the same experience as website visitors. Also, it increases sales for businesses by boosting conversions from mobile visitors.

4 Ways To Boost Engagement On Conversational Landing Page

There are many ways to boost engagement on a conversational landing page, here we have listed some of the most effective of them.

Publish Content Regularly

Building a Conversational Landing Page is not enough; you will need to keep it updated also. It ensures that the visitors get only the latest content about the products or services that website offers.

Upload Infographics

Share information through infographics also. It can make visitors more interested in learning about the website. Also, using infographics in between the conversational flow makes it easier for the end-user to understand the relevant terms.

The intellectuality of the infographic data makes promotion more productive and allows businesses to connect with more user-friendliness. Eventually, it keeps visitors engaged in the conversation and makes conversion more prosperous.

Describe the website completely and clearly

If you fail to describe your offerings completely or clearly, then it is most likely, that visitors won’t convert. Every word or content that you use to share information about your website to your audience should be clear and defining. Taking into account that your conversational flow is able to describe everything about your product, and the representation is crystal clear to everyone is very necessary.

Newsletter marketing

Getting audiences from search engines, social media, and promotions are primary things. But using other methods like newsletter marketing to engage more leads can also be beneficial. Huge enterprises have analyzed that 3% of their leads that converts redirects to their website from newsletters.

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