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Creating a Multi-Agent Chatbot on Frontman: A Generative AI Platform for E-Commerce

Creating a Multi-Agent Chatbot on Frontman: A Generative AI Platform for E-Commerce


The modern e-commerce landscape is fiercely competitive, where customer experience can make or break a brand’s success. Traditional chatbots are useful but often lack the dynamism and intelligence needed to engage customers effectively. Enter multi-agent chatbots, powered by Generative AI, which provide personalized, interactive, and task-driven customer experiences. These chatbots, built on platforms like Makerobos Frontman, go beyond static conversations and become intelligent assistants that streamline the user journey, from discovery to post-purchase engagement.

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In this detailed article, we’ll explore how an e-commerce brand specializing in electronics, ElectroWorld, can create a multi-agent chatbot using various AI agents. These agents, including Shopify AI, Function Calling, YouTube Search, Web Search, and Recent News, come together to create a seamless and engaging customer experience. We'll explore real-world scenarios, provide examples, and discuss how these agents can enhance customer interactions across different touchpoints.

What is a Multi-Agent Chatbot?

A multi-agent chatbot is an AI-powered system designed to handle complex user queries and tasks by utilizing multiple specialized AI agents. Each agent is responsible for a particular function, such as product recommendations, order management, or real-time information retrieval. By combining multiple AI agents, a chatbot can offer a wide range of services, ensuring a smoother and more personalized customer experience.

: Instead of a traditional chatbot that offers basic product info, a multi-agent chatbot can recommend products, check inventory, schedule appointments, show YouTube tutorials, and pull up real-time news articles—all within the same conversation.

Scenario : E-Commerce Brand Selling Electronics

Let's talk about ElectroWorld, an online store that sells high-end electronics such as laptops, smartphones, home automation systems, and gaming consoles. ElectroWorld wanted to build a multi-agent chatbot using Makerobos Frontman to provide customers with a personalized, efficient, and interactive shopping experience. Here's how they can achieve this by integrating different AI agents.

AI Agents: The Building Blocks of a Multi-Agent Chatbot

Multi-agent chatbots are composed of various AI agents, each designed to perform specific tasks. These agents work together to provide a cohesive and dynamic user experience.

1. Shopify AI Agent: The E-Commerce Engine

The Shopify AI Agent integrates seamlessly with Shopify-powered stores like ElectroWorld, allowing the chatbot to access and manage store data in real time. It enhances the shopping experience by providing personalized product recommendations, order tracking, and inventory checks.

Key Applications of Shopify AI Agent:

  • Real-time Product Availability: The agent checks stock levels for requested products and updates customers accordingly.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Based on user preferences and browsing history, the agent suggests relevant products.
  • Cart Management: Users can add or remove items from their cart, modify their order, and proceed to checkout—all from within the chat.

Example Interactions:

Scenario User Query Shopify AI Agent Response
Product Recommendation "Can you suggest laptops for gaming?" "Here are some top-rated gaming laptops with a 20% discount on select models. Would you like to add one to your cart?"
Stock Availability "Is the MacBook Pro in stock?" "Yes, the MacBook Pro is available in 5 units. Would you like to place an order?"
Cart Assistance "Add this smartphone to my cart." "The smartphone has been added to your cart. Do you want to proceed to checkout?"
Order Tracking "Can you track my order?" "Your order #34567 is currently being processed and will be delivered by next Tuesday."

The Shopify AI Agent acts as the primary engine for managing customer orders and product inquiries, providing a frictionless shopping experience.

2. Function Calling Agent: Automating Customer Actions

The Function Calling Agent allows the chatbot to carry out real-world tasks, such as placing orders, scheduling deliveries, and booking appointments. By integrating this agent, ElectroWorld ensures that customers can complete actions directly within the chat, without needing to navigate the website.

Key Applications of Function Calling Agent:
  • Automated Appointments: The agent can schedule service or installation appointments for customers.
  • Order Management: Customers can modify or cancel their orders in real time.
  • Product Reservation: Users can reserve products for in-store pickup or request delivery.

Example Interactions:

Scenario User Query Function Calling Agent Response
Schedule Service "Can I book an installation for my new TV?" "Your installation is scheduled for Friday at 3 PM. You’ll receive a confirmation email shortly."
Cancel Order "I want to cancel my headphones order." "Your order has been canceled, and a refund will be processed within 3-5 business days."
Modify Order "Change the delivery address for my order." "Your delivery address has been updated. Expect delivery by Friday."

The Function Calling Agent provides seamless task automation, reducing the time customers spend on administrative tasks and increasing customer satisfaction.

3. YouTube Search Agent: Enhancing Visual Engagement

The YouTube Search Agent enables the chatbot to pull up relevant YouTube videos in response to user queries, providing product demonstrations, setup guides, and troubleshooting videos.

Key Applications of YouTube Search Agent:

  • Product Demonstrations: Show video tutorials or reviews to help customers better understand product features.
  • Setup Guides: Assist users with product installation and setup through video instructions.
  • Troubleshooting: Offer video-based solutions to common issues like device malfunctions or software errors.

Example Interactions:

Scenario User Query YouTube Search Agent Response
Product Setup "How do I set up my new smart home system?" "Here’s a video tutorial that shows how to set up your smart home system step-by-step."
Product Review "Can you show me a review of the new iPhone?" "Here’s a detailed review video of the iPhone 14 from YouTube."
Troubleshooting "My laptop won’t charge. Can you help?" "Here’s a video on how to troubleshoot laptop charging issues."

The YouTube Search Agent brings a visual dimension to the chatbot, making it easier for customers to access educational or informational videos directly.

4. Web Search Agent: Accessing Real-Time Data

The Web Search Agent enables the chatbot to retrieve up-to-date information from the web, helping customers make better decisions based on real-time data.

Key Applications of Web Search Agent:

  • Product Comparisons: The agent can compare product features and prices across various platforms.
  • Industry Trends: Customers can ask for the latest trends in technology or industry-related news.
  • Availability Across Platforms: If a product is unavailable at ElectroWorld, the agent can search for it on other online retailers.

Example Interactions:

Scenario User Query Web Search Agent Response
Product Comparison "Compare the iPhone 13 with the Samsung Galaxy S21." "Here’s a detailed comparison between the iPhone 13 and Galaxy S21, including features, reviews, and prices."
Tech News "What’s new in the world of AI?" "According to TechCrunch, the latest developments in AI include advancements in natural language processing."
Price Comparison "Where can I find the best deal on this camera?" "Here’s a price comparison from various online stores for the camera you’re looking for."

The Web Search Agent ensures that the chatbot remains a reliable source of real-time information, helping customers make well-informed decisions.

5. Recent News Agent: Keeping Customers Updated

The Recent News Agent pulls in the latest news and updates, keeping customers informed about new product launches, company announcements, and industry trends.

Key Applications of Recent News Agent:

  • Product Launch Announcements: Notify customers about new arrivals or upcoming product releases.
  • Industry News: Provide customers with the latest developments in technology or consumer electronics.
  • Company Updates: Keep customers informed about special offers, partnerships, or new store openings.

Example Interactions:

Scenario User Query Recent News Agent Response
Product Launch "When is the new iPhone coming out?" "Apple has announced the iPhone 14, which will be available for pre-order starting next week."
Tech Industry News "What’s new in the world of wearable tech?" "Here’s a recent article on the latest advancements in wearable tech, including smartwatches and fitness trackers."
Company Announcement "Any sales or promotions going on?" "We’re offering a 10% discount on all smartphones this weekend. Use code SMART10 at checkout."


The Recent News Agent keeps users informed and engaged with timely, relevant updates, further enhancing the customer experience.

Exceptional Customer Experience with a Multi-Agent Chatbot

By combining these agents, ElectroWorld can create a sophisticated multi-agent chatbot that meets customers’ needs at every stage of their journey. From product discovery to post-purchase support, each agent plays a vital role in improving the overall shopping experience.

AI Agent Key Functionality Example Scenario
Shopify AI Agent Personalized product recommendations, stock checks, cart management, order tracking "Is the iPhone 13 in stock?" → "Yes, 5 units are available. Would you like to place an order?"
Function Calling Agent Automating real-world tasks like order placement, scheduling, and cancellations "Can you cancel my order?" → "Your order has been canceled. A refund will be issued within 3-5 business days."
YouTube Search Agent Pulling relevant YouTube videos for product demos, setup guides, and troubleshooting "Show me how to set up my new smart home system." → "Here’s a video tutorial for smart home setup."
Web Search Agent Retrieving real-time data like product comparisons, tech news, and stock availability across platforms "Compare iPhone 13 and Galaxy S21." → "Here’s a comparison of features, reviews, and prices."
Recent News Agent Delivering real-time updates on product launches, industry trends, and company announcements "Any news on smartwatches?" → "Here’s a recent article on the latest advancements in smartwatches."

Conclusion: The Future of E-Commerce with Multi-Agent Chatbots

By deploying a multi-agent chatbot using Makerobos Frontman, e-commerce businesses like ElectroWorld can offer their customers an immersive, personalized, and highly interactive shopping experience. From offering product recommendations to managing orders and providing real-time information, each agent contributes to a cohesive, user-friendly interface that enhances customer satisfaction and drives business results.

Ready to revolutionize your e-commerce experience? Sign up with Makerobos Frontman today and harness the power of multi-agent chatbots to transform your customer interactions.

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