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Why Should an E-Commerce Website Have a Delivery Chatbot

Why Should an E-Commerce Website Have a Delivery Chatbot


Worldwide e-commerce sales topped $3.5 trillion USD in 2019, an increase of approximately 18% from the year before. Ecommerce is expected to nearly double by 2023 to more than $6.5 billion.

With the increasing scope in the e-commerce market, the competition among marketers is also increasing. And to stand there at the first, e-commerce companies are trying many different methods to get a higher lead. From showcasing the exact products that the customers need, to guide them with the process of ordering the product, followed by other procedures and services until the customer gets the product delivered, managing the network is not an easy task for the companies. It takes a lot of resources, time, capital, and human resource to get perfecting in the process.

However, still, after so many efforts, the results are low leads and fewer conversions. Probable reasons are many and vary from domain to domain. Those who are selling food often end up with late delivery and for others, the product gets damaged during the delivery. Now, the question is, how can these problems be solved?

E-Commerce Chatbot

Chatbots must be very much familiar term to all the businesses and adding “E-Commerce” before it just defines that its applications are more focused on the E-Trading Industry.

E-Commerce Chatbot is a conversational tool that can help e-commerce websites in automating their workflow. And by automation of workflow, it means, from assisting leads in getting the most relevant product that they are searching, to verify that the product gets delivered. It can do everything without human intervention.

E-Commerce Delivery Chatbot Can Help Companies. How?

Delivery Chatbot for e-commerce websites can help in resolving issues like updating the order status for both customers and the company, confirming order delivery, and pick-up in case of return. Furthermore, it can also tell estimate time for the delivery of the product.

By implementing E-Commerce Delivery Chatbot on the e-commerce website, businesses can increase customer satisfaction, get lesser negative reviews and feedback, and decrease the workload of the delivery management team. Therefore, it can boost leads on the website, and provide higher ROI to the company.

Automat Customer Support for return and refund

Where is my order? How long will it take to reach? How to return my order? What are the return & refund policy of this product? When will I get my refund? How to check my refund status?

Businesses spend almost 35% of their capital every year to answer these kinds of questions to the customers. Is this investment worth it?

Providing the best services to the customers is the primary goal of businesses. And while doing so, they often invest more capital than it requires as an AI-Chatbot can be trained on such customer utterances to answer customer's repetitive queries without requiring human representative. It can result in a decrease of up to 5% — 12% in that investment.

Tracking Order Status, & Cancelling Order

Suppose that customers want to cancel their order, and after doing so, they realize that they have been charged the cancellation penalty. A conversational bot can overcome that problem by providing every information to the customer, including order status, and ordering & canceling terms.



Hybrid Chatbot

Businesses can even allow their customers to connect with live agents in case of complicated queries. Making this balance between using bots and the human workforce in this industry can be a perfect way to eliminate errors in the work.

Chatbot: Hi. How may I help you?

User: Track My Last Order

Chatbot: Your last order no: 45327863173 has reached to the nearest hub, it will be delivered to you by tomorrow.

User: Where is the nearest hub, I want it earlier. If you can tell me the centre address, I will get it by myself.

Chatbot: Sorry, I am still learning, I don’t understand what do you want. But don’t worry I can connect you with a live agent if you want.

User: *Connect With Agent*

Live Agent: Hi, I see you want to know the address of the hub where your package is shipped. Here is the address: *Address* you can collect the package from there, before collecting the package you will be OTP verified, make sure you have your registered mobile number with you.

User: Okay thanks

Live Agent: Is there anything else I can help you with?

User: No

Live Agent: Okay, have a nice day

Other Benefits of Chatbot in E-Commerce Industry

E-Commerce websites have to manage different tasks, and here we have added how a chatbot can help in each of them.

Searching a Product

Let us suppose that leads are landing on your website, searching for the product that they want. But then they couldn’t find what they are looking for, so they left the webpage. 

In contrast, now think that your website has an awesome chatbot waiting for leads, and once they land on the site. The chatbot welcomes them and asks what are they searching for, then with the auto-suggest menu, it shows all the relevant products as per the customer types. Ultimately, it results in fewer lead drop-outs from the website.

Ordering a Product

Traditionally, webpages have four steps for ordering a product, clicking on buy now button, adding billing and shipping address, proceeding with applying coupons and selecting payment details, and ending with completing the transaction. But with a chatbot on the website, all these tasks can be done within a single chatbot window.

Feedback And Reviews

There is always a scope to become better, and for e-commerce businesses, to find that scope customer feedbacks and reviews are a must. With a web-form interface, only 5% of customers respond to review requests. While with the interactive star rating and NPS score system, businesses can get more than 60% response.

The efficiency of E-Commerce Delivery Chatbot

The most important thing that businesses need to keep in mind while making an E-Commerce Delivery Chatbot is its efficiency. Designing an effective bot requires a lot of knowledge and experience, like if you don’t know how to write an excellent conversational flow, then the chatbot most probably won’t convert.

Therefore, you can contact us at Makerobos.com to understand how can a chatbot help your business to get higher leads. Our team is highly qualified in designing effective chatbots for businesses. Furthermore, you can also book a demo to see live how a chatbot can be an excellent tool for improving the delivery process and customer support on your e-commerce website.

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