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Why Good Writing is Pivotal to Conversational AI Bot?

Why Good Writing is Pivotal to Conversational AI Bot?


Conversational skills matter a lot, especially when you get to interact with a lead for the very first time. Even chatbot being a very dynamic and attractive conversational tool sometimes fails to make good interaction with users. It happens because of unclear and ugly conversational flow messages.

Why is Good Writing a Nessacity For Bot-building?

Unpleasant replies while interacting with chatbots forfeit leads. It also creates a negative mindset regarding the brand or the website.

The four reasons behind “chatbot fail” analyzed from the case studies are: Engaging in inappropriate conversation, unclear in explaining basics, not able to adapt to the channel, lack of contextual awareness.

If you try to find the root causes of the failure, you will realize that poor writing skill in the conversational flow was the sole excuse of failure.

Major Factors of Writing Good Conversational Flow

To help you with understanding better, we have figured out some points that you have to keep in mind while writing a conversational flow. We have also instructed how you can avoid them to generate more leads to engagement conversions.

Writing tone

No one will ever want to talk with an angry, negative, or unconfident person. Similarly, no user would want to have a conversation with a chatbot trained to converse in the wrong tone. While writing a conversational flow, you must remember to keep the pitch confident, positive, connective, and convincing. Sarcasm and proper use of punctuation can also make an unexpectedly positive effect. You can use emojis for even better results.

Un-engaging Flow

User: Hi
Healthcare Chatbot: Hello
Healthcare Chatbot: How may I help you?
User: Can you get my blood test reports?
Healthcare Chatbot: OK
Healthcare Chatbot: What’s your report number?
User: Ohh. I don’t remember my report number.
Healthcare Chatbot: Sorry, I can’t give you your report without file number.
Healthcare Chatbot : What's your report number?
User: CP-1****7
Healthcare Chatbot: Here is your report. Click on download button to download it.

Engaging Flow

User: Hi
Healthcare Chatbot: Hello there 😊
Healthcare Chatbot: How may I help you? 😃
User: Can you get my blood test reports?
Healthcare Chatbot: Yeah sure!! 🤗
Healthcare Chatbot: What’s your report number?
User: Ohh. I don’t remember my report number.
Healthcare Chatbot: Don’t worry. I can find it for you. What’s your registered mobile number?
User: +91–9********1
Healthcare Chatbot: I found your report number is - CP-1****7
Healthcare Chatbot: Feeling happy to help! Here is your report. You can download it by clicking on the download button. 
*Report Download Button*
Healthcare Chatbot: Is there anything I can help with? 😃
User: No, Thanks
Healthcare Chatbot: You are welcome. Hope see you again 😍 🤝

Selection of words

One thing that we have learned from our experience about writing good conversational flow is that you should be very specific while choosing words. For example, you can not write “over-happy-sounding” words in a legal chatbot conversational flow. Users mostly visit such domains when they are going through a problem. Furthermore, getting an overwhelming reply from chatbot at those moments can easily upset or annoy the user.

Inappropriate Flow

User: Hi
Legal Chatbot: How may I help you?
User: I was searching for a good criminal lawyer in the city.
Legal Chatbot: Where do you live?
User: I live in Jaipur.
Legal Chatbot: Fantastic! Here is the list of a criminal lawyers in your city.
*List of Criminal Lawyers*
Legal Chatbot: Can I help you with something else? We have many other lawyers in our connection. You can connect with them if you want.
User: No thanks
Legal Chatbot: Ok. Hope to see you again.

Appropriate Flow

User: Hi
Legal Chatbot: Hello. How may I help you?
User: I was searching for a good criminal lawyer in the city.
Legal Chatbot: I can help you with it. Where do you live?
User: I live in Jaipur.
Legal Chatbot: I have found 25 experienced criminal lawyers for you in Jaipur city.
*List of Criminal Lawyers*
Legal Chatbot: Can I help you with something else?
User: No thanks
Legal Chatbot: You are welcome 😊

Making Good Use of Phrases

Undoubtedly, proper and benevolent use of general phrases can help a lot to attract users. You can effortlessly boost or create interest in the user for the product with the creative application of phrases in conversational flow. But remember to avoid over-utilization of them. It may turn out disturbing to users.

Unattractive Flow

User: Hey
Travel Chatbot: Hi there. How may I help you?
User: I want to make a travel plan with my friends.
Travel Chatbot: Where do you want to travel?
User: Goa 
Travel Chatbot: How many of you are planning to go? 
User: 5 persons
Travel Chatbot: Your budget per person?
User: ₹5000/-
Travel Chatbot: Here are a few travel plans relevant to your requirements.

Attractive Flow

User: Hey
Travel Chatbot: Hi there. How may I help you?
User: I want to make a travel plan with my friends.
Travel Chatbot: Have you pinned any place on your map to ✈️ travel? 
User: Yes. We are thinking about going to Goa.
Travel Chatbot: How many of you are planning to go? 
User: 5 persons
Travel Chatbot: Beaches awaiting 🤩 And your budget per person?
User: ₹5000/-
Travel Chatbot: All right, I have got all the information, here are a few travel plans relevant to your requirements.


Users only seek answers from the chatbot for their queries, not lectures. Long paragraphs and unrequested information from replies demotivates users to continue using the chatbot. It may also make users less interested or even uninterested in the website itself.

Contrary to that, short and meaningful replies can end up in magically profitable results. Even if welcome and goodbye greeting performed humbly, it could attract users towards the website exceptionally. A considerable part of engagements to lead conversion rate happens because of such kinds of positive and straightforward nature of the conversation.

Over-complicated Flow

User: Hi
Banking Chatbot: Hi. How may I help you?
User: Can you tell me how can I apply for a home loan?
Banking Chatbot: A house loan or home loan simply means a sum of money borrowed from a financial institution or bank to purchase a house. Home loans consist of an adjustable or fixed interest rate and payment terms. Our bank provides instant loan and with lowest interest rates. Here are details about how to apply for a home loan.
Banking Chatbot: Is there anything else I can help you with?
User: No, thanks.
Banking Chatbot: Okay. You are welcome.

Simple Flow

User: Hii
Banking Chatbot: Hii. How may I help you?
User: Can you tell me how can I apply for a home loan?
Banking Chatbot: Click on below link and fill the form, and submit the form. You will get reply of your application within 48 hours from our representative.
Banking Chatbot: Is there anything else I can help you with?
User: No, thanks.
Banking Chatbot: Okay. You are welcome.
Banking Chatbot: Feel free to talk to me again. Have a beautiful day.

Avoiding repetition

It feels irritating when someone repeats something again and again. Especially when you converse with a chatbot. The whole concept of AI Chatbot is to make a two-way human-like conversational interface. And if you get to answer one question again and again, then what would there be left “human-like” in it.

Irritating Flow

User: Heyy
Automobile Chatbot: Hi there. How may I help you?
User: I want to book a test drive
Automobile Chatbot: What’s your name?
User: Rahul
Automobile Chatbot: Rahul. What is your contact number?
User: +919*******99
Automobile Chatbot: Rahul, please select test drive date and time slot.
User: *selects date and time slot*
Automobile Chatbot: Congratulations Rahul, you have successfully booked your test drive.

Informative Flow

User: Heyy
Automobile Bot: Hi there. How may I help you?
User: I want to book a test drive 
Automobile Chatbot: What's your name? 
User: Rahul
Automobile Chatbot: Rahul. Can I know your contact number, please?
User: My contact number is +919*******99
Automobile Chatbot: And your email address also? 
User: rahul@user.com
Automobile Chatbot: Almost there, Select test drive date and time slot.
User: *selects date and time slot*
Automobile Chatbot: Congratulations, Your test drive is successfully booked on *DATE* at *TIME_SLOT*. Our representative will soon contact you on the above contact details.

Contextual Writing

Contextual writing is notably not a different way of writing or designing conversation. This methodology of multiple different conversational flows aims to revert the pattern of dialogue according to sentiments, source, and behavior of the user.

There are many standards to build different contextual conversational flows based on page source, third-party API, number of visits, and user location.

Analyzing sources of traffic using UTM

UTM Description (Urchin Tracking Module) is a link embedding feature initially introduced by google analytics. It helps in tracking the source of traffic for marketing campaigns.

You can use UTM for building different contextual conversational flow based on traffic achieved from various sources like Google ad campaigns, social media, SMS, etc.

User: Hi
Property Chatbot: Hi there.
Property Chatbot: I see you were searching for a home to rent in Jaipur on Google
Property Chatbot: What’s your monthly budget (₹)? 
User: 15000
Property Chatbot: Your preferred location?
User: Vaishali Nagar
Property Chatbot: Almost done. Required home size in BHK? 
User: 2
Property Chatbot: Okay. Here are few properties in our listing matching with your requirement, preference and budget. 
Property Chatbot: Would you like to have a call from our customer support to assist with more details?
User: No thanks. I got everything I was looking for.


Chatbot building platforms like the Frontman provide analytical monitoring based on many factors, including user location also. You can set different contextual conversation flows for users from distinct areas.

User: Hi
Automobile Chatbot: Hi there. How may I help you?
User: Can you tell me your nearest showroom?
Automobile Chatbot: Wow!! That’s lucky, today we are providing special gift hampers for buyers from Vaishali Nagar.
Automobile Chatbot: Our nearest showroom is just 3.5 km away at *ADDRESS*
User: Oh really, thanks !!

Through Third-Party API’s

You can integrate third-party API on your chatbot. It allows the chatbot to fetch the profile or information of the advent user. You can build a personalized, contextual conversation with users based on the data acquired from the third-party API.

User: Hi
Chatbot: Hello Rahul. How may I help you?
User: I want to know the rates for a blood test.
Chatbot: Yeah sure.
Chatbot: Do you want to book blood collection from your home?
User: Yeah okay. How much will it charge?
Chatbot: It will charge just ₹50 extra for your location
User: Okay
Chatbot: Can you share me your mobile number, please?
User: +919*******99 
Chatbot: And your email address?
User: rahul@gmail.com
Chatbot: Thank you so much. Please select your blood collection date and time. We are available on Sunday also.
User: *Selects Date and Time Slot*
Chatbot: Congratulations. You have successfully booked your lab collection appointment.
Chatbot: Is there anything else I can help you with?
User: No, thanks.
Chatbot: You are welcome.

Multiple Visit

It happens many times when a user visits a website without interacting with the chatbot. You can train your chatbot to make contextual conversations, based on the number of the visit of a user.

User: Hello.
Chatbot: Hi Rahul. I have been seeing you for last couple days looking a personalized shirt.
Chatbot: So, we are offering 50% discount to you, if you buy one today.
User: Wow thanks. I will be buying this now.
Chatbot: You are welcome. You can also check our new variety of customized jeans also.


Conversational AI Chatbot is indeed an economical and financial profiting tool. But without proper sort of conversational flow building skills, it may not be able to provide you much ROI. If your chatbot isn’t able to interact and engage with users to build powerful conversational flow, then its application is worthless.

After partnering with many huge enterprises such as jeep-india.com and cardekho.com, our team has learned and experienced what elements and precautions are required to build successful conversational AI chatbot. And achieved perfection in creating the most effective conversational flow to help enterprises supercharge their sales funnel.

You can contact us at Makerobos.com for a consultation on how to build a chatbot to help you boost engagement for your business.

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